Pictorial and Genealogical Record
of Greene County, Missouri • 1893

Together with Bibliographies of Prominent Men of Other Portions of the State, Both Living and Dead

LIKINS MILLING COMPANY. This business has been in active operation since 1883, when it was established by C. H. Likins, G. S. Likins, C. W. Likins and M. F. Likins and the same year they erected the large and complete plant which is located on the Gulf railroad. The building is large and substantial, 40x48 feet, and containing four floors, the system being the full roller and of the latest and most improved make. The capacity is 175 barrels per day and the quality of their goods is strictly first class and has already gained an enviable reputation among the grocers and grain dealers of that section. Employment is given to six or eight hands, and the head miller, W. S. Jordan, who is about forty-five years of age, is the thorough master of his trade and has proven himself to be the right man in the right place. The gentlemen who established the business conducted it successfully up to 1892, and it was the first flouring mill ever built in Ash Grove, or indeed, in that part of the county. The business was incorporated in 1885 under the Missouri State law, with a capital stock of $50,000 and the first president was C. H. Likins, with G. S. and C. W. Likins as secretary and treasurer respectively, the latter being also general manager. In 1892 G. S., M. F. and C. H. Likins sold their interest to C. W. Likins and George C. Campbell, who are now the sole owners of the plant. They are doing a business of $80,000 to $100,000 annually and find a ready sale for their product throughout Missouri and adjoining States. Their chief brands are "Economy," "Magnolia," and "Champion," all of which are conceded to be of admirable quality. The product of the plant in 1892 amounted to 40,000 barrels and the firm has the satisfaction of knowing that it is not necessary to have any salesmen on the road in order to dispose of their product. The mill is propelled by a Corliss engine of sixty horse power and in every respect the mill is fitted up in the most complete manner. Mr. Campbell, one of the owners of the plant, was born in the Emerald Isle but for some time past he has been a resident of Ash Grove. He is a Republican in politics, a man of family and is a shrewd and careful business man. Mr. C. W. Likins, the general manager, is a native of Missouri, born in Lawrence County, December 20, 1857, a son of G. S. Likins, formerly vice president of the company, who is at present residing in Ash Grove. C. W. Likins obtained a good education in the common schools and his first business venture was in 1878 at Neosho, Mo., in the milling business. He only gave up business at that point to come to Ash Grove. He assisted in building the mill here and here has since made his home with the exception of two years spent in Greenfield, Mo., during which time he was a member of the Greenfield Rolling Mill Co. He was married to Miss Mary E. Campbell, of Jasper County, and to them four children have been given: Homer C., Ralph, Ross and Fred. Mr. Likins resides in the western part of Ash Grove where he has a pretty and comfortable home. He has always been a Republican and as a citizen is public spirited, enterprising and honest. He is an elder in the Presbyterian Church, of which his wife is also a member, and he belongs to the I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 264 of Ash Grove, the A. F. & A. M. and the A. O. U. W. He is one of the best known men in his section.


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