Volume I, No. 1, Fall 1973

Publisher's Information



Jay Luthy - Editor
Sarah Seay - Public Relations
Rita Saeger - Business
Terry Tyre - Art
Robert McKenzie - Photography
Sally Moore - Writing
Karen Mulrenln - Circulation


Jim Baldwin Terry Brandt
Vicki Bench Suzanne Carr
Jay Hillig Janet Florence
Steve Hough Gina Hilton
Patty Jones Ronnie Hough
Jana Low Jenny Kelso
Rick Bishop Verna Lucas
Genetta Seellgman


Ellen Gray Massey

The bittersweet vine represents to the staff the qualities of the Ozark people and their land. The plant is native, persistent, uninhibited in its growth and colorful. When dried its long-lasting berries add red and orange to winter fence rows and homes. The term bittersweet, pleasant with overtones of sadness, is characteristic of the rural, self-sufflclent llfe of the Ozark people, pleasant in retrospect, but full of hardshlpsand heartaches, it is sad that much of the tradition and way of life is passing, but these same qualities are still here, llke the vine, tenacious, independent, hardworking, proud and colorfully unique.

The staff has the pleasant task of capturing this uniqueness of Ozark tradition and geographical features for all to enjoy. We hope our BITTERSWEET will brighten your days and be of lasting value.


donors These people have shown faith in us in the difficult period before our first issue.

Harriet Davies, Lebanon, Mo.
Mrs. R.W. Froelich, Lebanon, Mo.
Miriam Gray, Nevada, Mo.

Special Thanks to:

Ralph Gray, Galthersburg, Md.
Donald M. Lance, Columbia, Mo.
Lebanon Chamber of Commerce, Lebanon, Mo.
Eliot Wigginton of Rabun Gap, Georgia, who has freely given of his experience in publishing


FOXFIRE kids for their cooperation and example
IDEAS for getting us started financially and for all the technical help they've made available to us Missouri Sta.te Council on the Arts for making BITTERSWEET available to Missouri libraries David Massey, Lebanon, Missouri, for photographic and artistic guidance

Ruth Massey, Lebanon, Missouri, for her general guidance and advice on the articles

Mr. Hollen Matt and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sexton, Laclede County rural teachers, for putting up with us at several occasions. This issue would not be possible without their help and encouragement. Mr. Robert Payne, Director of Secondary Education, Lebanon R-Ill Schools, for his encouragement Honorable John T. Russell, Representative of 125th State Congressional District, for his interest in our project

French's Studio, Lebanon, Missouri, for photographic assistance

Many people in the area who have helped us in countless ways

BITTERSWEET is published quarterly by a special class at Lebanon High School, Lebanon, Missouri. Circulation is by subscription and newsstand. Subscriptions are $6.00 a year. All unsolicited manuscripts must be accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. We welcome letters and assume we may use them in our magazine. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any form, except for brief exerpts for review purposes, without the consent of the editors of BITTERSWEET. Second Class postage is paid at Lebanon, Missourl, 65536.

Copyright © 1981 BITTERSWEET, INC.

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