Volume VI, No. 3, Spring 1979


Written and photographed by Darrell Pollock

Mailboxes have personalities. Now I don't mean that they just come right out and offer to shake your hand, but they do take on the personality of the owner.

Once stuck in the ground, mailboxes have to be on the watch. Though they seem to stand sturdy, it is easy for them to be upended by passing cars. Nor is night time a rest period for mailboxes, for they have to keep an eye open for pranksters who like to dent them up.

The weather is also a common problem that all mailboxes share. Rusting and rotting out is one way of taking away a mailbox's pride, while paint peeling is also demoralizing.

Coordinated colors bring out a flashy aspect of mailboxes. Some are painted with solid colors.

Antique mailboxes add a true rugged look to the land. Old cream separators, wagon wheels, cream cans and old horse-drawn plows all make good supports for letter receivers.

Yes, mailboxes do have personalities. They are the first to greet you on entering the driveway but yet are the last to say good-bye.


Copyright © 1981 BITTERSWEET, INC.

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