Volume 1, Number 11 - Spring 1964

Grandmother's Receet for Washing Clothes

1. Bild fire in back yard to het kettle of rain water.
2. Set tubs so smoke won't blow in eyes
if wind is peart.
3. Shave 1 hole cake lie sope in bilin water.
4. Sort things---make 3 piles: 1 pile white, 1 pile cullord, 1 pile werk briches and rags.
5. Stur flour in cold water to smooth then thin down with bilin water.
6. Rub dirty spots on board. Scrub hard, then bile. Rub cullord but don't bile, just rench and starch.
7. Take white things out of kettle with broom stick handel, then rench, blew and starch.
8. Spred tee towels on grass.
9. Hang old rags on fence.
10. Pore rench water in flower bed.
11. Scrub porch with hot sopy water.
12. Turn tubs upside down.
13. Go put on cleen dress--smooth hair with side combs, brew cup of tee, set and rest and rock a spell, and count blessins.

Courtesy of John Davidson.


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