Volume 1, Number 2 - Winter 1961


At the last regular meeting of the Historical Society at Rockbridge in Ozark County the Proposed Constitutional Amendment was adopted by the membership and the White River Valley Historical Society is now an affiliate of the State Historical Society of Missouri. This means much to the local society and its membership. Among other things we will be entitled to a delegate at their annual meeting. Our Historical Society and the State Historical Society will be of mutual benefit to each other in reseach and other things. Should the local historical society be discontinued the assets of the local society will become the property of the state society thereby assuring their continued benefits.

The membership in the White River Valley Historical Society shows a steady growth, not only from residents living in the White River country but from many far away places. Our membership now extends from the west coast states to South Wales. Several of the far off members have expressed a desire to again visit the region and some of its historical sites and places of in terest. Some have written about graves of their ancestors buried in this region and entertained hopes of visiting them sometime. Others have hoped to make connecting links in their family history through the society. Still others plan to retire here sometime and want to learn more about the history of the region.

A charter member, lames H. Ellison, now deceased, willed the Ellison antiques to the His torical Society. Some are fit objects for a regional museum. They came from a prominent pioneer family of the White River valley and it was his wish that they be returned to the region from whence they came. It is hoped that sometime the quarterly can carry a feature story on the Ellison famiily.

The Society extends their thanks and appreciation to Mr. Allan S. Humphreys of The School of the Ozarks, for his preparation and presentation of the 1840 census of Taney county carried elsewhere in this issue of the quarterly.

An interesting and well written manuscript on the Bull Creek region of Christian county has been presented to the society for their archives and future use, by Gene Geer of Ozark, Missouri. Christian county has played an important role in the history of the White River valley and has much to offer.

A museum committee has been appointed to make a study of Museum prospects and give a report at the next annual meeting of the society in late June. A public museum would not detract from the fine private museums we now have but would be an added attraction. Dr. R. M. Good, Vernon M. James and Steve Miller have accepted membership on the committee.

The society needs historical manuscripts of Taney county and the adjacent counties in Miss ouri and Arkansas for future use in the Quarterly. Please send the manuscripts and other items of historical interest to Edith McCall - Secretary, White River Valley Historical Society, Hollister, Missouri.

A county Cemetery Directory is a worthy project for Churches and Veteran's organizations. Such a project could well be done by the church e.s, perhaps assisted by the local veteran's orqanization, in each area. After the data was collected, the historical society would then com pile the material into a county directory with a tabulation of the veterans of the various wars that are buried in the country. Any group undertakaing the project in their community should get in touch with the Historical Society for suggestions.

The president of your Historical Society received a complimentary letter from Lester E. Cox, Chairman of the Missouri Commerce and Industrial Development Division, in the last paragraph of his letter Mr. Cox says: "Some states are further ahead in marking historic sites than others. I am glad to see that the White River Valley Historical Society is endeavoring to lead Missouri ahead in this very worthy cultural and economic development activity.


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