Volume 2, Number 6 - Winter 1966

Minutes of the Mincy Valley Baptist Church of Christ

1871 - 1885
by Eva B. Bruner

Continued from Fall issue of Quarterly

4th. An invitation was given persons to unite with the church when Bro. R. B. Stafford and Sister Amamda Stafford was rec’d by letter.

5th. On motion and second agreed that we elect two deacons this evening. Adjourned to early candle lighting. Early candle lighting, the church met and after worship proceeded to business in order.

1st. Proceeded to the election Deacons, the vote was taken by private ballot which resulted in the election of Bros. R.B. Stafford and J. H. Covey. 2nd. Elders J. B. Chambers and A. Hopper as a presbytery to examine and ordain for deacons the two Bros. elected for that office and the ordination to be attended to tomorrow evening. Adjourned in order. On Sunday after Preaching Sister Mary Hardin called for a letter of dismission from us on motion and second her request was granted. See note below. Sunday evening at candle lighting the church met and after worship the ordination of Deacons was attended to. Adjourned in order. Note: On Sunday after 11 o'clock services the church repared to the water and Bro. S.B. Covey, James A. Covey, David L. Pruitt and Sisters Mary Layton and susas Bedford was baptised by our Pastor, R. B. Chambers.

In March and April there was no church business done.

May and June, 1876. Saturday before 2nd Sunday - May, 1876. The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. Brethren of Sister Church was invited to aid in Council.

2nd. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted. And the committee therein mentioned not ready to report was requested to report at our next regular meeting.

3rd. Peace of the church call for - all in peace.

4th. On Motion and second Bro. W. M. Canfield is granted license to preach the Gospel.

5th. By request of the following named Brethren and Sisters they are granted letters of dismission from us for the purpose of organizing a new church 12 miles south of here. These are the names: Jackson Middleton, J. W. Middleton, Ruben Noell (Noel), Joseph Noel, W. M. Canfield, Delila Noel, Florence Middleton, and Julia Jefferies, and by request of the above brethrenn and Sisters the ordained authority and as many other members of this church as can go are invited to meet with them Saturday for the purpose of assisting them on the organizing of a new church. Saturday before 2nd.

1st. The minutes of previous meeting read and adopted and the committee therein mentioned reported that they had visited the Sisters Pruitt, and Brother Osburn and that they had all made confessions and asked the church to forgive them. On motion and second the report was received and committee discharged. On motion and second the church f or-gave and retained the Sisters and Brother according to their request. On motion and second agreed that we take the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper and at our next meeting. Adjourned in order.

Sunday after worship an invitation was given for persons to unite with the church and Bro. Tomas A. Coulter and Sister Virginnia Coulter and Sister Sintha Bly was rec’d by letter, and Sister Murly was rec’d by relation. July and August, 1876. Saturday before 2nd. Sunday in July, 1876. The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. An invitation was given for persons to unite with the church. And Sister Mary Harden was received by letter.

2nd. Peace of the church called for. All in peace.

4th. On motion and second, adjourned til 10 o’clock Sunday. See business of Sunday an next page.

August. On the first Sunday in August, 1876. Elder Tho. Foster commenced a meeting at the Bro. Layton School House that lasted the following week during which Bro. Doctor. A. White and Sister Arta White was rec’d into our church by relation. Saturday before 2nd Sunday in Aug. 1876 the church met and after worship, business was adjourned til Monday. The meeting for worship continued the following week.

Sunday after 11 o’clock services Sister Rebecca J. Harden was rec’d by relation. Monday 10 o’clock the church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. Brethren of Sister Churches was invited to aid in council.

2nd. The minutes of previous meeting was read and adopted.

3rd. Peace of the church


called for. All found in peace. 4th. By request of Bro. Benjamin Osburn he is granted a letter of dismission from us. On motion and second business was adjourned til Wednesday. Preaching at 11 o’clock after which Sister Mamis and Sister Henrietta Laws was rec’d by letter. Preaching at 11 o’clock after which Sister Evaline Namis and Sister Lydda A. Pennington and Bro. Wm. D. White was rec’d as candidates for baptism and Bro. J. P. Pennington and Sister Nancy Pennington was rec’d by letter. Wednesday at the church met and after worship proceeded to business -next page 1st. On motion and second Elder A. Hopper was chosen Moderator Protem.

2nd. The time having arrived for the election of a pastor and clerk for the coming year, the vote was taken by private ballot which resulted in the election of Elder J. R. Chambers for Pastor and Bro. David L. Pruitt for Clerk. Adjourned. Thursday 11 o’clock the church met on Turkey Creek and after preaching Bro. Peter Humphrey and J. N. White and Sisters Martha A. White, Janey J. White and Nancy Clark was rec’d as candidates for baptism. After this the church repared to water and Elder A. Hopper baptised Bros. William B. White, J. A. White and Sisters Lydda A. Penning-ton and Evaline Manis.

Friday 11 o’clock the church and at the water and after preaching Bro. Peter Humphrey and Sister Nancy J. White, Martha A. White and Nancy Clark, was baptised by Elder A. Hopper, Saturday after preaching Sister Jane Humphrey, Nancy Caldwell, Rebecca Caldwell, and Martha White and Bro. Leanard White was rec’d as candidates for baptism. Sunday Sisters Nancy Pruitt and Ivan Pruitt was rec’d as candidates for baptism after which Sisters Luanna Pruitt, Jane Humphrey and Martha White and Bro. Leonard White was baptised by Eld. A. Hopper. Business of Sunday in July 1876. 10 o’clock the church met and services opened by singing, and prayer by our pastor, then proceeded to business.

1st. On motion and second that we be represented in the southwest Bethel Association this year by letter and messenger.

2nd. On motion and second the clerk is requested to prepare a letter addressed to the association for our consideration at our next regular meeting for business and Bro. Marion Hopper was chosen as our messenger to the association.

3rd. By request of Bro. Wm. Osburn and Sister Susan they are granted letter of dismission from us. Adjourned in order.

From Sept. To December, 1870. Saturday before second Sunday in Sept. 1876. The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. The minutes of the previous meeting not being present, peace of church called for. All in peace.

2nd. An invitation was given for persons to unite with the church but none received.

3rd. On motion and second agreed that we take into consideration the propriety of building a new church house. Whereupon our pastor is authorized to appoint a committee of the persons whose duty it should be to investigate and see what can be done and select and propose a cite and they are to report at our next regular meeting. The following names was appointed a committee:

Elder A. Hopper, J. H. Covey, R. B. Stafford, S. H. White, Creel Hopper, J. P. Pennington, A. J. Pruitt, John Bedford, Elijah Jackson, John Thomasson. Adjourned.

Sunday after 11 o’clock services the church repaired to water, and Sisters Nancy Pruitt and Eliza Caldwell was baptised by our pastor.

In October and November the church met for worship but no business was done.

2nd. Sunday in December, 1876. The church met and after preaching by Elder A. Hopper and Clerk the church proceeded to business.

1st. The Pastor and Clerk not being present on motion and second Eldon A. Hopper was chosen Moderator Protem and Bro. Creel Hopper Clerk Protem.

2nd. By request of Bro. John Camerson he is granted a letter of dismission from us. Adjourned in order.

January and February 1877. Saturday before 2nd. Sunday in January 1877. The church met for worship but no business was done. Saturday before 2nd Sunday in February 1877. The church met and after worship on motion and second business was adjourned til early candle-lighting. Early candlelighting the Church met and after worship proceeded to business in order.

1st. Brethren of Sister Churches was invited to aid in council.

2nd The minutes of previous meeting was read and adopted and the reference in relation to the building committee was taken up and the committee was not ready to report, whereupon motion and second said committee was discharged with the view of appointing a smaller committee.

3rd. Peace of the church called for. Whereupon it was found that the fellowship of the church had been disturbed by quite a number of our young members having been attending dances and other places of sinful mirth whereupon on motion and second the church unanimously agreed to invite and urge that all our members young and old who know them-


selves to be guilty of any unChristian conduct to come forward at our next regular meeting and confess their faults to the church and to one another.

4th. On motion and second agreed that our pastor appoint another building committee of five persons and it shall be their duty to investigate the property of building a new church house and see what can be done and select and propose as many cites for building as they may see proper and they are requested to report at our next regular meeting.

5th. By request of Sister Henrietta Laws she is granted a letter of dismission from us. Bro. A. Hopper, R. B. Stafford, J. H. Covey, and Mr. A. J. Pruitt and John Bedford was appointed as building committee. Saturday before 2nd. Sunday in March 1877 the church met and after divine services proceeded to business.

1st. Visiting Breathrin was invited to aid in counsel.

2nd. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted and the reference refered til early candlelighting.

3rd. Whereas our Clerk Elect has as yet failed ever to be present on our business days on motion and second Bro. Creel Hopper was appointed to act as Clerk.

4th. By request of Bro. J. P. Pennington and Sisters Nancy Pennington and Lydda A. Pennington and Bro. Leanard White and Sisters Arta White and Martha White and Bros. J. N. Pruitt and James Pruitt they are granted letters of dismission from us for the purpose of organizing a church near Kirbyville by request of Bro. Milford Hopper he is granted a letter of dismission from us. Adjourned til early candlelighting.

Early candlelighting: The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. The building committee was called on for their report, which was as follows: Mincy, Mo., March 10th, 1877:

We your committee of the Mincy Valley Baptist Church of Christ appointed for to take into consideration the propriety of building a new church house do make this report. We deem it necessary for the advancement of the religion of Jesus Christ and for the good of the community at large that we build a larger and more suitable house of worship.

2. We would recommend that said house be built at the forks of the hollow below the Mincy P.O.

3. That said house be 24 by 36ft. in size, two windows in each side doors in one end and stand and window in the same end.

4. Said house to be built of pine lumber 14 ft. long put up board fassion sealed on sides and our head well seated and covered with 2 ft. boards. A. Hopper, Robert Stafford, A. J. Pruitt, J. H. Covey, Committee.

2nd. On motion and second the report was received and adopted.

3rd. On motion and second the committee is continued as a building committee and they are requested to take up subscriptions and thus try to secure means for the completion of said house and they are to report to the church what they have done from time to time as they may see proper.

Adjourned in order.

April, 1877. Saturday before 2nd. Sunday in April, 1877. The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. Visiting brethren was invited to aid in council.

2nd. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted.

3rd. Peace of the church called for and it was found that the fellowship of the church was distrubed by some of our young people who had been attending dances has as yet failed to make reconciliation with the church whereupon the church agreed to give such members one more month to make reconciliation with the church. Adjourned in order.

Saturday before 2nd. Sunday in May 1877. The church met and after divine services proceeded to business, by appointion Bro. A. Hopper Mod. Protem.

1st. The minutes of previous meeting was read and adopted.

2nd. Whereas our pastor Elder J. R. Chambers has sent us his resignation as our pastor. On motion and second his resignation is received and he is released from the care of the church. Resolved that as church we do feel ourselves agreived at our last pastor in that our last pastor in that he said in writing that he could not preach for us and retain any self-respect for himself as a Christian Minister or honorable man.

3rd. On motion and second agreed that Bros. Creel Hopper and J. H. Covey be a committee to inform Eld. J. R. Chambers of the proceedings of the church in relation to his resignation. Adjourned til 11 o’clock Sunday. Sunday, 11 o’clock the church met and after worship proceed to business.

1st. Whereas we are now without a pastor, on motion and second agreed that we elect a pastor for the remainder of the associational year and vote was taken by acclamation which resulted in the election of Eld. A. Hopper.

2nd. An invitation was given for persons to unite with the church and Sister Sarah A. Barber was received as a candidate for baptism. Sunday night the church was given for persons to unite with the church and Sister Mary Elm Covey came forward and was rec’d as a candidate for baptism.

June and July, 1877. Saturday before 2nd Sunday in June


1877. The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

2nd. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted.

3rd. On motion and second Bro. A. Hopper was appointed as a committee to visit all the brethren and Sisters that has offended the church by dancing or other vice and invite them to meet with us at our most regular meeting and make reconcilliation with the church. Adjourned. Sunday 11 o’clock the church met and after worship repaired to water and Sisters Sarah A. Barber and Mary E. Covey was baptised by our pastor Elder A. Hopper.

Saturday before 2nd Sunday in July 1877. The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. Brethren of Sister Churches was invited to aid in council.

2nd. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted and Bro. A. Hopper was called on for his report but he stated that he was not ready or fully prepared to make a report and he asked more time.

3rd. On motion and second the church gave him til our next regular meeting to make said report.

4th. On motion and second agreed that we be represented in the Southwest Bethel Association this year by letter and messengers and the Clerk is prepared a letter for our next regular meeting.

5th. On motion and second Bro. R. B. Stafford, J. H. Covey, Thomas Watson and A. Hopper was appointed as our messengers to the Association.

6th. On motion and second agreed that we appoint a committee of arrangements to arrange for entertainment and general comfort of the association during her cession as she meets with us this year. Bros. J. H. Covey, Thomas Watson was appointed as said committee. Adjourned in order.

August and September, 1877. Saturday before 2nd. Sunday in August 1877. The church met and after worship proceed to business.

1st. Brethren of Sister Churches was invited to aid in council.

2nd. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted and Bro. A. Hopper was called on for his report so he stated that he had visited several of our young members and labored with them and a part of them confessed their faults and expressed a desire to be retained in the church. He also stated that Bro. Jasper White and Sister Nancy White his wife and Bro. Wm. Caidwell had no condessions to make.

3rd. On motion and seconded the report was received and committee discharged.

4th. On motion and second agreed that we withdraw ourselves from Bro. Jasper White and Sister Nancy White his wife, and Bro. Wm. Caldwell for dancing.

5th. On motion and second agreed that we forgive and retain all of the breathren (their spelling) and sisters that made their confessions.

6th. By request of Sister Delila Sperry she is granted a letter of dismission from us. Adjourned in order.

Sept. Saturday before 2nd Sunday in September 1877. The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. Breathren of sister church was invited to aid in council.

2nd. The minutes of previous meeting was read and adopted.

3rd. The time having arrived for the election of a pastor, on motion and second agreed that we go into an election of a pastor and assistant pastor. The vote was taken by acclamation which resulted in the election Eld. Thomas Foster as pastor and Eld. A. Hopper Asst. Pastor. Adjourned.

3rd. Sunday in Sept. 1877 a protracted meeting was commenced at Bro. Jacksons that lasted a week during which Sister Elizzie Dejarnett was received into the church by relation.

Sept. 1877 to Feb. 1878. The church continued to meet regular for worship every month out no regular church business was done till in February, 1878.

1878: Saturday before 2nd Sunday, Feb. 1878. The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. Brethren of sister church was invited to aid in council.

2nd. Peace of church called for. All in peace.

3rd. On motion and second agreed that the church meet on Saturday before 4th. Sunday in this month for the purpose of attending to any business of interest that may come before her at that time. On motion of adjourned.

Saturday before 4th. Sunday in Feb. 1878. The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. The minutes of previous meeting was read and adopted.

2nd. Breathren of sister church was invited to aid in council.

3rd. Peace of the church was called for. It was found that reports was afloat that Sister Nancy M. Pruitt has left her husband and is taken up with and is married to another man. Also that Sister Evaline Manis is guilty of very unbecoming conduct whereupon a motion and second the church prefers charges against the sisters based upon the reports and Bros. J. H. Covey, and J. M. Hopper was appointed as committee to investigate the reports and report at our next regular meeting.

5th. By request of Bro. F. P. Grogan on motion and second and he is granted a letter of dismission from us.

6th. On motion and second


agreed that we take a vote and see whether we will allow our members to visit and participate in the dances as they carryed on at the present day and time.

The vote was taken by acclamation and resulted in the unanimous decission that we would not. From Feb. to Apr. 1878. On motion and adjourned til early candle lighting. Early candle lighting the church met for worship after which an invitation was given for persons to unite with the church, and Bro. Milford Hopper and Sister Mary Hopper his wife were rec’d by letter, and Bro. John M. Green was rec’d as a candidate for Baptism. Sat, before 2nd. Sunday in march 1878. The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. Eld. J. F. Brittain was oappointed Mod. Prot.

2nd. On motion and second further business was adjourned til Sunday at eleven o’clock. S u n d a y eleven o’clock the church met and after preaching by our pastor the church was called to order for business.

1st. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted.

2nd. The reference was taken up and the committee was called on for their report so they stated that they had investigated the reports concerning Sisters Pruitt and Manis and had found the reports to be true and correct.

3rd. On motion and second the report was read and committee discharged.

4th. On motion and second agreed that we withdraw ourselves from the two sisters.

5th. An invitation was given for persons to unite with the church and Bro. Elijah Jackson and Sister Jackson and Sister Anna R. Brown was rec’d as a candidate for baptism, and Bro. John Speer and Sister Speer was rec’d by letter as our pastor elect has failed to attend us on motion and second agreed that proceed to elect pastor and an assistant pastor. The vote was taken which resulted in the election of Eld. J. F. Brittain as pastor and Eld. A. Hopper as assistant pastor.

6th. Sunday in Apr. the church met for worship and after Bro. and Sister Jackson and Bro. J. M. Green was baptised by our pastor.

From Apr. to June, 1878. Saturday before 2nd Sunday in April 1878, the church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. The minutes of previous meeting read and adopted.

2nd. Peace of the church called for, all in peace.

3rd. Whereof it is reported that Bro. James Sperry and Sister Mary Harden, Rebecca J. Harden, Martha A. Cameron and Sister Murly is gone from country, on motion and second agreed that we appoint a committee to investigate their standing with the church.

4th On motion and second Bros. J. H. Covey and R. B. Stafford was appointed as committee and they are authorized to appoint assistants and they appointed Bro. Elijah Jackson and David L. Pruitt as their assistants and they are requested to report at our next regular meeting.


Saturday before 2nd Sunday in May, 1878. The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. The minutes of previous meeting read and adopted.

2nd. The reference was taken up and the committee was called on for their report, so they had found it to be true that Bro. James Sperry and Sisters Rebecca J. Harden, Mary Harden, Martha A. Cameron, and Murly is gone from among us.

3rd. On motion and second the report was rec’d and committee discharged.

4th. On motion and second the church preferred charges against the Bro. and sisters above names for contempt of the church. Adjourned.

Saturday before 2nd Sunday June 1878. The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted.

2nd. The reference was taken up and on motion and second agreed that we withdraw ourselves from Bro. James Sperry, and Sisters Murly, Rebecca J. Hardin, Mary Harden, and Martha A Cameron for contempt of the church.

3rd. Peace of the church called for. All in peace.

4th. On motion and second agreed that we commemorate the death and suffering of our Lord Jesus by the Lord’s supper on Sunday afternoon of our next regular meeting. Sunday after preaching an invitation was given for persons to unite with the church and Bro. James F. and Sister Parnelia Anderson was rec’d by letter after which the church repaired to the water and Sisters Anna R. Brown was baptised by our pastor.

Saturday before 2nd Sunday in July 1878. The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st The minutes of previous meeting was read and adopted.

2nd. Peace of the church called for - all in peace.

3rd. On motion and second agreed that we be represented in the South West Bethel Association this year by letter and messengers. Adjourned.

Saturday before 2nd. Sunday in August 1878 the church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted.

2nd. Peace of the church called for. All in peace.


3rd. Wheras the question of Alien Baptism has been agitated in the Association in years pass therefore on motion and second agreed that our messengers be instructed to advise the association to drop the matter and leave that with the churches for decision.

4th. The letter to the association was read and adopted.

5th. On motion and second agreed that we elect and have ordained one more deacon. The vote was taken by acclamation and resulted in the election of Bro. Elijah Jackson. On Wednesday evening following after preaching Bro. John Wilson and Sister Lucetta Wilson. Solatha Watts, Rozilla McCord was rec’d as candidates for baptism.

Sept. and Oct. 1878. The church met and after preaching proceeded to business.

1st. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted.

2nd. Peace of the church called for - all in peace.

3rd. On motion and second agreed that Bros. Creel Hopper John Speer and T. A. Coulter be examined and if found worthy be ordained as ministers of the Gospel at our next regular meeting. On motion adjourned

Saturday evening the church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. On motion and second Elders J. F. Brittain and A. Hopper and our deacons was called as presbytery to examine the above breathrin. On motion adjourned.

Saturday before 2nd Sunday in October 1878. The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. The minute of the previous meeting was read and adopted.

2nd. Peace of the church called for. All in peace. Adjourned til 10 o’clock Sunday. Sunday 10 o’clock, the church met and after singing and prayer the presbytery proceeded to examine in order to ordination Bros. Creel Hopper and John Speer as ministers of the gospel and Bro. Elijah Jackson as a deacon. Bro. T. A. Coulter was not present so he was not examined. After examination the presbytery proceeded to ordain Bro. Creel Hopper and John Speer as Ministers of the gospel and Bro. Elijah Jackson as a deacon. Then adjourned to meet at the water on Monday at 10 o’clock. Monday, 10 o’clock the church met at the water and after services Bro. John Wilson and Sister Lucetta Wilson Salatha Watts and Razello McCord was baptised by our pastor.

November and December, 1878 and Jan. 1879. The church met for worship but no business was done. Saturday before 2nd Sunday in Jan 1879 The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted.

2nd. Peace of the church called for. When it was found that a difficulty was existing between Bros. A. Hopper and R. B. Stafford that it appears they cannot settle between themselves wherfore on motion and second the church appointed a committee of Bros. J. H. Covey, Elijah Jackson and John Speer to wait upon said party and try to bring about a reconcilliation between them and said committee appointed Eld. J. F. Brittain as their foreman. On motion adjourned.

On the 4th Sunday in Jan. a meeting was commenced that continued from day to day for 9 days. On Wednesday night an invitation was given for persons to unite with the church and Bro. J. F. Brittain and Sister Mary Brittain and Bro. O. H. P. Lorrabee and Sister Mary Lorrabee and Bro. David Lorabee and Sister Lucy Lorrabee was rec’d by letter and bros. David and Syman Covey and Sisters June and Emma Pruitt and sisters Barnett and Pandalia Hopper was rec’d as candidates for baptism.

Saturday before 2nd Sunday, Feb. 1879. the church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted.

2nd. The reference was taken up and the committee was called on for their report so they stated that reconcilliation was made between Bros. A. Hopper and R. B. Stafford.

3rd. On motion and second the report was rec’d and committee discharged.

4th. Whereas Bro. R. B. Stafford has declared non fellowship with us in church relation by joining another denomination not to our faith and order therefore on motion to second agreed that our pastor appoint a committee to visit Bro. Stafford and labour with him and report at our next regular meeting and Bros. 0. H. P. Larrabee and J. H. Covey is our committee.

5th. On motion and second agreed that we set apart for examination in order to ordination as a minister of the gospel. Bro. O. H. P. Larrabee and Elds. J.F. Brittain, A. Hopper, John Speer, and Creel Hopper and our deacons was chosen as a presbytery to examine said Brother. Adjourned in order.

Sunday 11 o’clock the church met for worship after which an invitation was given for persons to unite with the church and Sister Ellen Roads was rec’d as a candidate for baptism. 4 o’clock the church and presbytery met and after examination Bro. O. H. P. Larrabee was ordained as a minister of the gospel.

March and April, 1879. Saturday before 2nd Sunday in March 1879 the church met and after worship proceeded to business.


1st. The reference was taken up in relation to Bro. Stafford and the committee was called in for their report so they stated that they had visited Bro. Stafford and conversed with him and that he has decided to remain where his is and be no more one of us.

2nd. On motion and second the report was rec’d and the committee discharged.

3rd. On motion and second agreed that we withdraw ourselves from Bro. Stafford for want of fellowship.

4th. Peace of the church called for. All in peace. adjourned in order.

Saturday before 2nd Sunday in April 1879. The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. The minutes of the previous meeting was rec’d and 2nd, whereas in time past reports had went out that Sisters Nancy and Martha White had left us and joined another denomination and Bro. A. Hopper had volunteered as a committee to investigate the report he now makes his report, he states that he has visited said sisters and had it from their own words that they did not intentionally join any other denomination and that they still considered themselves members of our body.

3rd. On motion and second the report was rec’d and committee discharged.

4th. Peace of the church called for. All in peace. On motion adjourned.

Sunday eleven o’clock the church met and after preaching repaired to water and Sisters Jane Pruitt, Emma Pruitt, Vandalia Hopper, Ellen Roads, and Bros. David Covey and Simon Covey was baptised by our pastor.

May, June and July 1879. Saturday before 2nd Sunday in May 1879. The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted.

2nd. Peace of the church called for. All in peace. On motion adjourned.

S u n d a y after preaching Asst. Pastor called the church to order for business.

1st. Whereas our pastor Eld. J. F. Brittain soon expects to start West to be gone from among us for some months. On motion and second agreed that we give him a certificate of recommendation to the people wherever his lot may be cast.

2nd. By request of Sister Elizza Dejarnett she is granted a letter of dismission from us. Adjourned.

June, 1879. Saturday before 2nd Sunday in June 1879. The church met for worship but no business was done. Sunday after worship an invitation was given for persons to unite with the church and Sister Sarah White was received by relation.

July: Saturday before 2nd Sunday in July 1879. The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted.

2nd. On motion and second further business was adjourned til after 11 o’clock services on Sunday. Sunday 11 o’clock the church met and after services business was taken up.

1st. On motion and second agreed that we be represented in the South Bethel Association this year by letter and messengers.

2nd. Whereas it is reported that Bro. O. H. P .Larrabee has been preaching some things that we don’t believe to be true Bible Doctrine. On motion and second agreed that we appoint a committee to visit Bro. Larrabee and investigate said reports.

3rd. On motion and second Elders J. F. Brittain, A. Hopper, John Speer and Creel Hopper and Deacons E. Jackson and J. H. Covey was appointed as said committee. Adjourned in order.

August 1879 to April 1880. Saturday before 2nd Sunday in August 1879. The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted.

2nd. The reference in relation to Bro. Larrabee was taken up and the committee was called on for their reports so they stated that they had visited Bro. Larrabee and had found the reports been is firm in his belief and also that he is dissatisfied to remain any longer with us.

3rd. On motion and second mittee discharged. Bro. Larrabee being present now got up and submitted back to t h e church all the authority that they had conferred upon him by his ordination as a minister of the Gospel.

4th. On motion and second the presbytery resumed or retained the authority this confered.

5th. On motion and second the church endorsed the action of the presbytery.

6th. By request of Bro. O. H. P. Larrabee and Sister Mary Larrabee and Bro. David Larrabee and Sister Lusy Larrabee on motion and second agreed that we resine the act of recovering them into the church and return unto them their former church letters. On motion and second adjourned.

The church remained in peace and quietude and continued to meet regular for worship but no business was taken up til in April, 1880.

April to June, 1880. Saturday before 2nd Sunday in April 1880. The church met and after worship, business was adjourned til after services on Sunday.

1st. Sunday after worship Eld. J.F. Brittain was appointed Mod. Pt.


2nd. On motion and second agreed that we elect a pastor.

3rd. The vote was taken by acclamation and resulted in the unamimous election of Eld. Wm. W. Price.

4th. By request of Bro. J. F. Brittain and Sister Mary Brittam and Bro. J. M. Hopper and Sister Mary Hopper and Sister Sarah E. Brittain on motion and second they are granted letters of dismission from us. On motion adjourned.

Saturday before 2nd Sunday in May 1880. The church met and after preaching by Eld. Wm. Price proceeded to business.

1st. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted.

2nd. Peace of the church called for. All in peace. On motion and second adjourned.

Sunday 11 o’clock the church met for worship after which an invitation was given for persons to unite with the church and Bro. Milford Hopper Sister Mary Hopper was rec’d by letter.

Saturday before 2nd Sunday in June 1880 The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted.

2nd. Peace of the church called for. All in peace.

3rd. By request of Bro. A. Hopper and Sister Mary Hopper and Sisters Amanda Hopper Francis Coulter on motion and second they are granted letters of dismission from us. Adjourned in order.

June to August, 1880. Sunday after worship an invitation was given for persons to unite with the church and Bro. J. N. Pruitt and D. A. White and Sister A. Covey was received by relation.

Saturday before 2nd Sunday in July 1880 the church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. The minutes of previous meeting was read and adopted.

2nd. By request of Bro. John Speer and Sister Sarah Speer they are granted letters of dismission from us.

3rd. Peace of the church called for. All in peace.

4th. On motion and second agreed that we be represented in the South West Bethel Association this year by letter and messengers. Adjourned in order.

Saturday before 2nd Sunday in August, 1880. The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. An invitation was given for persons to unite with the church and Bro. Jeramiah Mosure was rec’d as candidates for baptism.

2nd. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted.

3rd. The letter to the Association was then read and adopted.

4th. Volunteers was called for to bear our letter and act as our messengers to the Association, and Bros. John Wilson and Marion Hopper volunteered to act as such messengers.

5th. Peace of the church called for. All in peace. On motion adjourned.

Sunday after worship an invitation was given for persons to unite with the church and Bro. James Walker and Sisters Nancy Likens, and Mahala Davis was received as candidates for baptism and Sister Sarah Pruitt and Bro. James Pruitt was received by relation.

September, 1880. Saturday before 2nd Sunday in September 1880. The church met and after worship proceeded to business.

1st. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted.

2nd. Invited persons to unite with the church. None received.

3rd. Whereas Sister Malissa Fortner has joined another denomination not of our faith and practice and by request on motion and second she is dropped from our number.

4th. Peace of the church called for. All in peace.

5th. On motion and second adjourned til Sunday morning the church met at the water and Bro. James Walker and Sister Sarah J. Moshier, Nancy Likens and Mahaly Davis was baptised by our pastor. Elder Wm. W. Vise. The church met at the Arber in the evening for worship after which the Lord’s Supper was administered. The church continued to meet for worship from day to day for ten days. On Monday morning Bro. Charles Layton, George Layton and Thomas was received as candidates for baptism.

Wednesday - Bro. Howard Pruitt was rec’d as a candidate for baptism and Wednesday evening Bros. Harrison Pruitt, Reason Woodard, Thomas Wilson, and Lunsford Walker was rec’d as candidates for baptism. Friday morning church met at the water and Bros. Charles Layton, George Layton, Thomas Likens, Howard Pruitt, Harrison Pruitt, Reason Woodard, Thomas Wilson, Lunsford Walker, and Jeremiah Moshier were all baptised by our Pastor, and Sister Kissime Hill was received as candidate for baptism. Saturday night Bros. John E.. Bly and Clayton Pruitt and Sister Martha Jane Covey and Arminda Hopper was received as candidate for baptism, and Sister Elizzie Dejarnet was received by relation. Sister Sarah Woodard was received by letter. Sunday morning the church met at the water and Bros. John E. Bly and Clayton Pruitt and Sisters Kissire Hill. Martha Jane Covey and Arminda Hopper was baptised by Eld. T. D. Lamb Sunday night. Bro. James Moshier and Sister Manervy Sperry was rec’d as candidates for baptism. On Monday morning met at the water and Bro. James Moshier and Sister Manervy Sperry was baptised by Eld. T. D. Lamb

Continued In Spring Issue


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