Volume 9, Number 5 - Fall 1986

Contributed by Linda Turner



In the Circuit Court of said County, on the 26th day of October 1899, the following, among other proceedings, were has, viz:

John L. Meadows Plaintiff
The unknown heirs of Peter Lair deceased, Pam’s Meadows, Lucinda C. Barnett and Richard J. Barnett her husband. Thomas, John, Marion, Freeman and Williatns heirs of Curtis Williams dec’d and Sarah R. widow of Curtis Williams decd Defts.


Now on this day the above cause coming on to be heard and the plaintiff John L. Meadows appears in person and by his attorney Wm. I-I. Johnson, but the defendents, altho hince called make default and the courts both hereupon proceed to enquire into the facts hereof and finds the following: That this is an action to establish as certain and decree the title to the following described lands lying being and situate in the County of Taney, State of Missouri to whit: The 5E¼ of the NW¼ and SE1/2 of 5W¼ of Sec 11 in Twps 24 of Range 21 West 21 - Containing 120 acres. That the plaintiff filed his petition in the Circuit Courts of Taney County, in which among other things he alleged that the defendents Peter Lair was dead and that the names and whereabouts of his heirs were unknown to the plaintiff but that there were persons interested in the subject matter of this suit who derived their interest through said Peter Lair or his heirs, who were unknown to plaintiff. That Pam’s Meadows, Lucinda C. and Richard J. Barnett are not residents of this state. That Curtis Williams is deceased and that his heirs whose names are John, Thomas, Marion, Freeman and ____ Williams whose name is unknown to plaintiff are now (Non) residents of this State. That Sarah R. Williams is the widow of Curtis Williams and that she is a non-resident of this State. That the plaintiffs petition was verified by his signature and oath and that on order of publication was issued by the clerk of the circuit courts, directed to the above defendents and directed to be published in the Taney County Republican a newspaper published in Taney County, Missouri and the Court finds that notice was published as the law directs the last publication being more than 30 days prior to the first day of the present term of Circuit Courts of this County proof of said publication being herewith filed in open court and the Court being satisfied that all the defendants herein have been duly notified by law of this action and that Court hath full jurisdiction of parties to and subject matter of this action and having fully heard the evidence introduced by plaintiff and being fully advised in the promises finds that the 5E¼ of the NW¼ and NE¼ of 5W¼ of Sec 11 in Twp 24th of R 2lth was patented by the Government of the United States to Peter Lair on June 15, 18 that the 5E¼ of Sec 11 in Twp 24th of Range 21W was patented by the United States to Pam’s Meadows on July 18th, 1872. That both of said patentens through their duly executed deeds and their Grantees Deeds duly executed signed and recorded in the Taney County Records have conveyed all their title therein and to said above land to Richard J. Barnett, but that the record of said deeds have been destroyed.

The courts further finds that Richard I. Barnelt and his wife Lucinda C. Barnett conveyed their interest in said land by their Warranty Deed dated April 10, 1885 and duly recorded in Book No. 1 Page 162 on Feb. 13, 1888 in the Taney County Records to Curtis Williams. That said deed was regular and for a valuable consideration and that said Lucinda C. Barnett fully relinquished her dower therein and that the failure of the said Lucinda C. Barnett to sign said deed was an over sight of the said Lucinda C. Barnett and is hereby remidied and reformed by decree. That Curtis Williams and his wife Sarah R. Williams has by their Warranty Deed dated Feb. 14, 1888 and duly recorded June 4th in Book No. 1 at page 183 conveyed all this interest in said land to James Stovall who has by his deed and his Grantees and fully vested the title to the above land in the Plaintiff John L. Meadows. Therefore it is determined, ascertained and decreed by the Court that all the title to the SE ¼ of N¼ and E½ 5W¼ of Sec 11 in Twp 24W of R 21W shall be and is hereby vested fully in John L. Meadows and that the said Pam’s Meadows and the unknown heirs of Peter Lair and the said John, Thomas, Marion, Freeman and ____ Williams and Sarah R. Williams his wife and Richard J. and Lucinda C. Barnett and all those claim under on through them shall be forever barred and that heir title together with their grantees title shall be and the same is hereby vested in the said John L. Meadows and in him and his heirs and assigns forever.


State of Missouri, County of Taney

I, I. C. Johnson, Clerk of the Circuit Courts in and for said County, hereby certify the above and foregoing to be a true copy of the proceedings of our said Circuit Court, on the day and year above written, as the same appears of record in my office.

In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand an affixed the seal of said Courts at office in Forsyth this the 5th day of January 1900.

(signed) J. C. Johnson, Cir. Clerk

Copied from memeograph copy of pages 339, 340 and 341 by Nona McPherson at Court House, Taney County, Missouri in 1980.


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