New Search Tool Available Philanthropy In/Sight
Philanthropy In/Sight is a Google Map powered program that allows you to map foundations and grantees with just a few simple clicks. The database allows you to easily filter your search to over 1100 areas of interest. The powerful platform also lets you easily overlay grant data with your choice of over 100 demographic and thematic data sets. The demographics offer federal, state and local data sets of information.
For example you can search to find all the foundations that have funded education programs in your congressional district and then overlay this with graduation rates or state spending for education data. This is a great tool for foundations or grant seekers that need to easily locate and focus on areas in need of funding and to view existing grants given in the area.
To learn more or watch a demo of Philanthropy In/Sight go to the Foundation Center. As with the Foundation Directory, Philanthropy In/Sight is only available for use in the Library Center.
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