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MOBIUS Information


Go green! Copies may be scanned to a USB drive. Bring your own USB drive, or purchase one at the branch for $5.

Computers, Internet, & Wi-Fi

Internet, electronic databases and Library catalogs.

Meeting &
Study Rooms

Rooms for large meetings or quiet study.


Print from Library computers or your own device. Black and white - 10¢; color - 50¢. Cash/Credit/Debit.


Black and white copies are 10¢; 20¢ for 11x17. Color copies are 50¢; $1 for 11x17. Cash only.

Services for
Special Needs

Motorized scooter, closed-circuit television video magnifier and more.

Test Proctoring

Available for a small fee.

Self-Service Fax

50¢ per page. Cash/Credit/Debit. Send only.

Library Locations

Republic Branch Library

About this Branch

Tysha Shay, Branch Manager

The Republic Branch Library opened in 1961 as a consolidation of book deposits held at several locations in this western Greene County city. The branch has relocated five times as use of the library continues to grow. The stand-alone branch is located at 921 N. Lindsey, just off Highway 174.

921 N. Lindsey Ave.

Republic, MO 65738

(417) 732-7284

Republic Branch Library

Branch Hours

Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m.-7 p.m.
Saturday: 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m.

Drive-up Service

Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-7 p.m.
Saturday: 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m.

Holiday Closings

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