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Below you will find databases that have thousands of books, magazines, journal articles and more — great for homework assignments, research and other fact finding assignments. They are available 24/7 with a library card.
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Getting Started
If you are stuck on a subject and don't know where to start, try the following online libraries. They cover a wide range of topics and provide multiple resources you can choose from.

Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
Search through 25,000 encyclopedic entries on a variety of subjects.

Gale Ebooks
This library has a collection of printed resources that can be searched online. Topics include, science, history, biographies, and more.

MasterFILE Premier
Full text articles from journals, primary source documents, and reference books. There are also a large variety of photos that you can add to your research assignments.
General Resources
These libraries cover a variety of topics, useful for science, language arts, and other school subjects:

Biography (Gale in Context)
Do you need to learn more about a famous scientist? Writing a report about an author or historical figure? This library has over 600,000 biographies taken from reference materials, magazines, and other multimedia sources.

Book Collection: Non-Fiction High School Edition Middle School Edition
Each of these contains more than 2,000 full text books that cover subjects from art history to zoology. The search allows you to find books with images and related subjects that might be helpful for your research and you can save, export, and print your findings for further study.

Teaching Books for Libraries
A collection of resources about children's and young adult books with emphasis on reading.

Credo Reference
An easy-to-use tool for research projects and homework. Search in hundreds of encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, quotations, and subject-specific titles, as well as 200,000+ images and audio files, and nearly 200 videos.

Digital Literacy
Provides project-based learning activities using digital tools to create podcasts, multimedia presentations, social media campaigns, and more. Articles explore cyberbullying, digital research skills, citizen journalism, and more.

Simple search that quickly delivers relevant results including articles, essays, and primary source documents to help students succeed in their research.

Financial Literacy
Financial Literacy is an online economics and personal finance resource specifically designed for students in grades 7-12 but can easily benefit adults. Users will learn to manage credit and debt, save and invest with confidence, plan for college and retirement and avoid fraud and scams.

Read It!
More than 1,000 articles, written especially for English language learners on topics such as history, civics, literature, science, and life skills. Articles are short and written to support reading skills and help students and adults build background knowledge, conduct research, and improve study skills.

Research for Middle Schoolers (Gale In Context)
If you can't get to the physical library to do your research, this is a great first stop for history, science, literature, social studies, and other subjects. The easy-to-use search features makes it simple to find primary source articles required by many instructors.

Teaching Books
A collection of resources about children's and young adult books with emphasis on instruction/learning.

Teen Health & Wellness
This award-winning resource provides middle and high school students with up-to-date, nonjudgmental, self-help support. Articles are correlated to state, national and provincial standards. Topics covered include diseases, drugs, alcohol, nutrition, mental health, suicide, bullying and LGBTQ+ information. It has recently been updated to meet the needs of today’s teens and with new content on bullying, suicide, vaping, opioid abuse, gender identity, school safety, sexual harassment, COVID-19 and more.
History and Social Studies

CultureGrams Online
Are you looking for information specific to certain countries? CultureGrams has over 190 countries with information on maps, statistics, recipes, and more. Included is information about all 50 states.

Fold3 History & Genealogy Archives
If you are looking for primary resources for WWI, WWII, Revolutionary War, African American history, Native American History, and more? Then this library is for you. Find information in newspapers, files, historical texts, and documents that will enhance your research project.
Language Studies

Mango Languages
Need some help with your language classes? This database is a one stop shop for improving your conversation skills in 64 different languages. You will need to create a free account to get started.

Literature Resource Center
Find exactly what you need with full text articles, essays, book reviews, biographies, stories, interviews, and poems. You can search a specific author or a specific title and listen to interviews.

Learning Express Library
This online resource will help you develop your math skills with practice tests, worksheets, and tutorials. Click on the school center to access materials specific to your grade level.

Science Reference Center
Stuck trying to find the perfect science fair idea? Science Reference Center can help you find just what you need with printable photos, magazine articles, and information from popular science reference materials.
Test Prep

Learning Express Library
This online resource will help you study for your upcoming ACT and SAT tests. There are additional materials to help with homework, computer skills, and job preparation.