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Hidden Fun with Search-and-Find Books

by: Cathy, The Library Station

Remember search-and-find books? Did you spend hours trying to find Waldo or working through the rhyming clues in the I Spy books?  Summer is a perfect time to read these books with your kids, whether on a road trip or spending a long afternoon at home. Not only do they help to keep kids’ minds sharp, they also boost visual perception skills, teach patience and encourage kids to work towards a goal. And they are a wonderful way to unplug for a while and connect with your kids! You might be surprised at the variety of search-and-find books available these days. Here are some fun titles that we have at the library. You can also search the library catalog using the subject “Picture Puzzles,” or as always, ask a librarian!

My First Search and Find 

A search-and-find for the youngest adventurer. Travel through oceans, jungles and cities and see what you can find! Maybe a sleepy sloth, or a dangerous dinosaur!

Where’s the Unicorn Now?

Unicorns love playing hide and seek! Travel around the world searching for the unicorns in places like London, Paris and Egypt. Even under the sea!

Roblox: Where’s the Noob?

Join Roblox characters including Builderman and Mr. Bling Bling as they travel through the imaginative worlds of Roblox in pursuit of the mischievous Classic Noob. As you find hundreds of things along the way, will you be able to discover the noob before he causes more chaos?

Star Wars Where’s the Wookiee? Deluxe

Chewbacca is on the loose and it’s up to you to find him! Search the galaxy  for him and other heroes and villains in 30 different places like Jakku and Cloud City. Hurry and find our furry friend before the bounty hunters!