MOBIUS Information
Mailing Address and Main Phone NumberSpringfield-Greene County Library District 4653 S. Campbell Ave. Springfield, Missouri 65810 Phone: (417) 883-5366 |
Administrative Offices and Support Staff
Executive Director - Dr. Edward Walton
Springfield-Greene County Library
4653 S. Campbell Ave.
Springfield, Missouri 65810
Email: ewalton@thelibrary.org
Phone: (417) 883-5366
Associate Director - Jim Schmidt
Springfield-Greene County Library
4653 S. Campbell Ave.
Springfield, Missouri 65810
Email: jims@thelibrary.org
Phone: (417) 883-5366
Buildings and Grounds Department - Leland Blatter
Springfield-Greene County Library
4653 S. Campbell Ave.
Springfield, Missouri 65810
Email: lelandb@thelibrary.org
Phone: (417) 883-5366
Responsible for cleaning, maintenance and repair of all library facilities and grounds owned by the Library District.
Business Office - Melissa Davis
Springfield-Greene County Library
4653 S. Campbell Ave.
Springfield, Missouri 65810
Email: businessoffice@thelibrary.org
Phone: (417) 883-5366
Responsible for accounts payable and receivable, purchasing and inventory control. Includes the Office of the Director.
Collection Services Department - Lisa Sampley
Springfield-Greene County Library District
4653 S. Campbell Ave.
Springfield, Missouri 65810
Email: lisas@thelibrary.org
Phone: (417) 616-0597; Fax: (417) 877-9319
Responsible for development, selection and maintenance of the library collection and the ordering, processing, cataloging and mending all library materials.
Community Relations Department - Vickie Hicks
Springfield-Greene County Library District
4653 S. Campbell Ave.
Springfield, Missouri 65810
Email: vickieh@thelibrary.org
Phone: (417) 883-5366
Acts as an in-house public relations and advertising firm for the Library. The department is responsible for promoting Library programs and services to the community as well as communication among the staff. The department produces brochures, web sites, newsletters, news releases, posters, fliers and other promotional pieces.
Director of Institutional Advancement - Bridget Dierks
Springfield-Greene County Library District
4653 S. Campbell Ave.
Springfield, Missouri 65810
Email: bridgetd@thelibrary.org
Phone: (417) 616-0460
Solicits, receives, holds and administers gifts for educational purposes exclusively to support, benefit and enhance the Springfield-Greene County Library District.
Human Resources Department - Lori Ruzicka
Springfield-Greene County Library District
4653 S. Campbell Ave.
Springfield, Missouri 65810
Email: humanresources@thelibrary.org
Phone: (417) 883-5366; Fax: (417) 889-6213
Responsible for personnel matters such as hiring, staff training and payroll. The department also maintains files of job descriptions and a listing of current Job Openings.
Local History & Genealogy - Brian Grubbs
Springfield-Greene County Library District
4653 S. Campbell Ave.
Springfield, Missouri 65810
Email: briang@thelibrary.org
Phone: (417) 616-0544
Charged with the preservation of Ozarks history and culture. Local History & Genealogy maintains a specialized collection of books, maps, newspapers, photographs, historical documents, and other materials. The department also preserves the institutional history of the Springfield-Greene County Library District.
Information Technology Department - Luke Wood
Springfield-Greene County Library District
4653 S. Campbell Ave.
Springfield, Missouri 65810
Phone: (417) 883-5366
Email: lukew@thelibrary.org
Phone: (417) 616-0591
Responsible for purchasing, maintenance and technical support of Library computer equipment.
Integrated Library System - Stephanie Ruhe
Springfield-Greene County Library District
4653 S. Campbell Ave.
Springfield, Missouri 65810
Email: stephanier@thelibrary.org
Phone: (417) 883-5366; Fax: (417) 877-9319
Administers the Library's automation system and coordinates integration with related electronic products and services.
Springfield-Greene County Library District
4653 S. Campbell Ave.
Springfield, MO 65810
Email: humanresources@thelibrary.org
Phone: (417) 883-5366; Fax: (417) 889-6213
Youth Services Department - Stephanie Smallwood
Springfield-Greene County Library District
4653 S. Campbell Ave.
Springfield, Missouri 65810
Email: stephanies@thelibrary.org
Phone: (417) 616-0585
Responsible for the development and coordination of library services and programs for children, young adults and their families.
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Director of Institutional Advancement