Volume III, No. 1, Fall 1975

Publisher's Information

Story Jim Baldwin
Publicity Terry Brandt
Business Suzanne Carr
Circulation Jenny Kelso
Photography Larry Doyle
Mike Doolin
Art Alexa Hoke
Layout Nancy Honssinger
Jeff Jaynes Jimmy Harrelston
Teresa Reed Teresa Maddux
Caryn Rader Kyra Gibson
Donna Scott Carla Roberts
Jim Conner Stephen Ludwig
Doug Sharp Diana Foreman
Tina Hudson Danny Hough
Kathy Hawk Emery Savage
Rick Bishop Steve Hardcastle
Gina Hilton Melissa O'Kelley
Jay Hillig Doris Brelowski
Vicki Bench Robert McKenzie
Verna Lucas Janet Florence
Terry Tyre Stephen Hough
Susan Thames
Ellen Gray Massey

BITTERSWEET, a special English class of twenty-two students grade ten through twelve at Lebanon High School, hopes to capture the lore, crafts, tradition and the culture of the Ozark people and to portray characteristics of the land which have influenced their life anti development.


Appreciation goes to the following for their contributions to Bittersweet.

Howard Mendell, Connersville, Indiana Mary McNabney, Coffeyville, Kansas
Dorothy Kieson, Tennessee, Illinois Ken Sweet, Jackson, Michigan
Charles Baldwin, Columbia, Missouri John Hendricks, Aurora, Missouri
Donald Lance, Columbia, Missouri Clyde Owen, Washington, D.C.
Benton Weathers, Springfield, Illinois Ray Cahill, Fowler, Colorado
Ruth K. Gieschen, Kansas City, Missouri Jim O'Quinn, Lebanon, Missouri
Mrs. Thomas Rowan, Long Beach, California Frances Coe, Chilhowee, Missouri
Eldon Kissell, Springfield, Ohio Norma Hartman, Wichita, Kansas
Ethel Shields, Rochester, New York Mike Hite, Del Rio, Texas
Mrs. George Bassore, Lebanon, Missouri Miriam Gray, Nevada, Missouri
Ruth Ellen Massey, Lebanon, Missouri, for writing consultation and assisting on the summer staff

Missouri State Council on the Arts and the National Endowment on the Arts for making Bittersweet available to Missouri libraries

BITTERSWEET is published quarterly by BITTERSWEET, Inc., a special class at Lebanon High School, 416 N. Adams Street, Lebanon, Missouri 65536. Circulation is by subscription and newsstand. Subscriptions are $6.00 a year, single copies $2.00. Back issues are available. All unsolicited manuscripts must be accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope.

We welcome letters and assume we may use them in our magazine. No portion of this Publication may be reproduced in any form, except for brief excerpts for review purposes, without the consent of the editors of BITTERSWEET. Second class postage paid at Lebanon, Missouri 65536.

Return requested.

Copyright © 1981 BITTERSWEET, INC.

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