The Turnbo Manuscripts

by Silas Claiborne Turnbo

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By S. C. Turnbo

In recounting the many incidents of the Civil War as it occurred in the south central part of Missouri I was given a brief account of the destruction of Forsyth in Taney County by Peter Keesee who said that he saw the town set afire but did not see it burn down, "It was burned while the place was being evacuated by the federal soldiers. The commander of the main force on leaving the town left a detail of men behind to destroy the town by fire and they set every house on fire except the court house which was built of brick. Every house burned down that was set afire except a small house that belonged to Jim Berry. After the men touched this dwelling with fire it died out and the house was saved from destruction. After the detail of men did as they were told to do they left the burning village and followed on after the main body of troops."

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