The Turnbo Manuscripts

by Silas Claiborne Turnbo

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By S. C. Turnbo

Mr. Robert Morris in refering to the first religious service he ever attended said that it was held at his fathers house where he lived in Black Valley 14 miles south west of Round Springs in Shannon County, Mo. "The preacher would hold a meeting at our house one Sunday in each month then he would preach at Henry Nettles on a Sunday in the next month which he repeated until he held meetings elsewhere. He was a Methodist and was known as an honest man and it is said that he practiced what he preached or in other words he lived a practical Christian. I do not know what his given name was but his other name was Thompson. The settlers nicked named him "old lettuce mouth" from the fact that they claimed that his mouth was so enormously large that he could take into his mouth a whole deer horn and a big head of lettuce all at the same time and gulp them down without over exertion." Mr. Morris when he related this to me was living near Jackson Smith in the Indian territory.

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