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Dress for Job Interview Success

According to "Dressing for Success: How to Dress for an Interview" on's Careers page, job candidates who wear jeans, sweat suits, rumpled clothes, short skirts, or sneakers; show pierced body parts or tattoos; wear their hair spiked or unnaturally colored; or chew gum rarely find success in the job market. Their appearance costs them the job. Like it or not, how you dress really does have the power to make or break a job interview.

Consider the following tips:

Women's Interview Attire

  • Solid color, conservative suit

  • Coordinated blouse

  • Moderate shoes

  • Limited jewelry

  • Neat, professional hairstyle

  • Skin-toned hosiery

  • Sparse make-up & perfume

  • Manicured nails

  • Portfolio or briefcase

Men's Interview Attire

  • Solid color, conservative suit

  • White long sleeve shirt

  • Conservative tie

  • Dark socks, professional shoes

  • Very limited jewelry

  • Neat, professional hairstyle

  • Go easy on the aftershave

  • Neatly trimmed nails

  • Portfolio or briefcase

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