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Friends of the Library Make Major Gift Commitment

Vickie Hicks

The Springfield-Greene County Library District is pleased to announce that the Friends of the Library have pledged $500,000 to the Republic Branch Library building project. The gift is specifically for the 150-seat room which will be called the Friends of the Library Auditorium. The new Republic Branch Library is under construction and will be completed in early 2026. The total project is expected to cost $11 million, including furnishings and equipment, and is funded in part by ARPA funds provided to the Library District.

Known for their bi-annual book sales, the Friends of the Library volunteer group works tirelessly to raise funds for the Library District. Their last two book sales raised a combined total of $425,976. With over 1800 members, many Friends volunteers work all year sorting, pricing, boxing and hauling books. In anticipation of each book sale, the Friends of the Library will fill five to six tractor trailers full of books. Their next book sale is scheduled for April 30-May 4, 2025.

Director of Institutional Advancement Bridget Dierks said “The Friends of the Library have truly honored the Republic community and our Library system with this substantial gift to support our capital campaign. This gift will impact the Republic community for many years by providing space where Republic residents can gather and connect. We are grateful for the Friends of the Library for supporting this project.“ If you are interested in making a gift towards the Republic Branch Library project, contact Bridget in care of the Library Foundation at or 417-616-0460.


The Springfield-Greene County Library District is a 10-branch system serving the residents of Greene County, MO. For more information, visit or contact Vickie Hicks, community relations director, at 417-616-0564 or


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