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All Library branches will be closed and the Mobile Library will not make its scheduled stops on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents' Day.


MOBIUS Information

Returning to the Workforce


Where can I search for job openings in Missouri?

Job openings can be found in many job boards online but the Missouri Office of Workplace Development provides a directory of current job opportunities as well as career and skills assessments, professional training services, and resume assistance. The Missouri Job Center provides job search assistance as well as paid opportunities for job and skills training in healthcare, information technology, manufacturing, construction, and transportation for people between the ages of 18 and 24 and adults receiving SNAP. Missouri One Start also provides job listings for unemployed workers seeking jobs in essential industries.

I was recently laid-off from a long-term job, where can I find resources on updating my resume?

You can find helpful tips and resources for correctly formatting and updating your resume online or in person through the Missouri Job Center. To find a Missouri Job Center in your region, call 1-888-728-JOBS (5627).

Major issues to consider when editing a resume include:

  • First impression: Does the resume look professional and appropriate to your level of work experience?

  • Appearance: Are the sections well-organized? Are the design elements appealing and consistent? 

  • Career goal: Are your career experiences and skills relevant to your stated career goal?

  • Writing style: Is the resume written in a professional manner, with no editing errors? 

There are also resume writing resources available through the Library. Browse our catalog for books on resume writing tips that include helpful templates. Or get started with our Write a Resume, Get the Job research guide. 

I have received a job offer subject to a Shared Work Program, what does this mean? 

A Shared Work (also known as Short-Time Compensation) program is an unemployment compensation program designed to allow employees to collect some of their unemployment benefits while working reduced hours. It provides employers a means to avoid laying off employees in a unit facing reduced available work. To be eligible for the program as an employee, you must accept all normal work hours during the claim period filed, be available for normal work, and be eligible for regular unemployment benefits in Missouri. 

How can I reduce my risk of exposure to COVID-19 while returning to work? 

Practice basic preventative health measures: 

  • Maintain social distancing of 6 feet

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol 

  • Wear a mask when around other people

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces

  • Be alert for symptoms


If you believe you have been exposed to COVID-19, you should self-quarantine even if you are not experiencing symptoms. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides further health and safety tips for specific industries and occupations.  

Can an employer check me for COVID-19 symptoms after making a job offer?

Yes, an employer can screen you for COVID-19 symptoms provided the screening is standard for all new employees in that or related positions. 

Can an employer delay my hiring if I have COVID-19 or related symptoms? 

Yes, if you have COVID-19 or symptoms, a prospective employer can choose to delay your start date until after you finish isolation or quarantine. 

Can an employer choose not to hire me after making a job offer because I have COVID-19 or related symptoms? 

If the employer needs you to start work immediately, then they are able to withdraw the job offer because you cannot safely enter the workplace. 

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