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The Library's Literacy Program
The Most Important Word

Find print everywhere. Play with words and letters.
The Most Important Word
Your toddler probably has a favorite word -- and it isn't 'no!' The most important word to her is her name. She enjoys hearing it and soon she will enjoy looking at it. Her name symbolizes who she is and will likely be the first word she recognizes. Create an All About Me book for her that has her picture and name on the front. Inside, list her favorite things along with her name on each page. It is a fun way to bond and show her how special her name is!
The Itsy Bitsy (Eensy Weensy) Spider
The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout, [twist hand as you move it up to symbolize a spider]
Down came the rain and washed the spider out! [move hands down and spread apart]
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, [spread hands above head]
And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again. [twist hand as you move it up to symbolize a spider]
Our interactive storytimes introduce young children to books, reading and language with stories, songs and activities. Parents learn fun ways to build the early literacy skills their children need to learn to read.
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