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Through the Library's interlibrary loan service, books and other materials may be borrowed from other libraries. You may also request photocopies of materials such as magazines and some materials reproduced in microform such as newspapers. Photocopy requests are filled in accordance with copyright law.
Who may use Interlibrary Loan?
Interlibrary Loan services are available to anyone who has a current Library card in good standing. Interlibrary Loan services are not available to temporary or limited address cardholders.
How do I place an Interlibrary Loan request?
Go to any Library facility.
Online with COOLcat.
Via Worldcat database.
Accurate and complete bibliographic information is essential.
How will I know when my Interlibrary Loan has arrived?
When the book or other materials arrive, usually within seven to ten days, you will be notified by mail (email is not available); it is helpful to bring notification with you when picking up materials. If you do not pick up the materials within ten days, the books will be returned to lender, the photocopies will be discarded and any charges will be added to your patron record. Repeated failure to pick up materials can result in termination of interlibrary loan privileges.
If a request cannot be filled you will receive an interlibrary loan status report indicating why the request was canceled.
What materials are not available through Interlibrary Loan?
Best sellers, recent publication, textbooks, pamphlets, audio- and videocassettes, rare or valuable materials are not available through interlibrary loan.
Library Fees--Books
The library does not charge a fee for books requested through interlibrary loan. The library does not pay other institutions for loans.
Library Fees--Photocopies
The library does not charge a fee beyond our base printing cost ($0.10 a page) for photocopy requests.
How many requests can I make at one time?
Ten active interlibrary loan requests for books and/or 20 requests for photocopies at one time.
How long can I keep Interlibrary Loan books?
The lending library determines the loan period and any restrictions concerning use of the materials. Normally, materials are available for three weeks.
Lender loan restrictions may include "No Renewal", "In-Library Use Only", or "No Photocopying".
Can I renew my Interlibrary Loan?
If a book is renewable (indicated on the book band), a request for renewal may be made when there is a special need. Ask for this privilege at least four business days before the due date indicated. If a book is not renewable, the title can be requested again from another lender upon return of materials.
What is the overdue fine on an Interlibrary Loan book?
25¢ per day with a maximum of $5.
Books may be returned at any Library branch.
The book band attached to the book should not be removed, as it contains essential information concerning your loan.
Overdue, lost or damaged interlibrary loan books can be subject to additional fees that are set by the lending library. These fees will be passed on to you.
Repeated overdues or loss or damage of interlibrary loan materials can result in loss of interlibrary loan privileges.
Interlibrary Loan Phone: (417) 616-0529
Interlibrary Loan FAX: (417) 877-9319
For information on interlibrary loan services for local history and genealogy, call (417) 616-0534 or visit the Local History department at the Library Center.