MOBIUS Information
Maker Space
The 3D Printers and Slide Scanner & Video Capture Station will be available at the Library Center during the Midtown Branch Library closure.
Use of the equipment is by appointment only by calling 417-837-5011.
3D Printers | Slide Scanner & Video Capture Station |
Use the one of the 3D printers (Ultimaker S5 3D Printer with Cura Software or Makerbot 5th Generation 3D Printer) to make everything from replacement parts for cabinets and shelving, to board game pieces. Fees apply for filament. | Convert and save your camera film negatives, slides, VHS and DVD movies to a USB drive or SD card with the video transfer equipment (Plustek OpticFilm 8200i AIand HD Video Capture Ultimate.) Bring your own USB drive or SD card; we do not stock storage media. |
*The Maker Space was generously supported with grants through the Library Services and Technology Act, and the Friends of the Library. The project is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.