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MOBIUS Information

Mission Statement


Download Strategic Plan (pdf)

Mission Statement

"Building a stronger community by enabling lifelong learning and enrichment."

Vision Statement

"A thriving Library that is an integral part of the lives of the community"


  • Confidence: To be certain of trustworthiness.

  • Empowerment: To give someone the means or ability to do something.

  • Excellence: To be the best in everything we do.

  • Inclusion: To invite and welcome.

  • Innovation: To start or provide something new.

  • Respect: To treat all people with dignity.

  • Synergy: To produce a combined effect greater than what we can do individually.

Strategic Plan

Strategic Initiative 1: Strengthen Financial Resources

Goal 1: Diversify our income stream and better organize cash flow.


  • Identifying process efficiencies, such as centralized ordering.

  • Improved payment options for library users.

  • Providing library users with expanded access to fee-based services, such as home delivery of materials.

  • Room rentals for special events.


  • Benchmark percent of revenue by source category against peer library systems with median peer percentages as targets.

  • Total fiscal year activity-based revenue with target of 5 percent increase over the prior year.

Goal 2: Analyze whether the district has sufficient fiscal resources to effectively serve all citizens of Greene County.


  • Analyze existing services and programs to maximize positive impact for library users.

  • Collect and review best practices from peer library systems.

  • Define effective service and service population for the library system, and each location.

  • Review hours of operation for each library location based on user needs.


  • Benchmark per capita revenue against peer library systems with a target of revenue that is above the median.

  • Percent of Greene County residents that live within the defined service area for each library location with a target of reaching 100 percent coverage.

Goal 3: Continually increase the reserve fund towards the goal of 30 percent of the operating budget by the end of five years.


  • Determine priorities for reserve fund.

  • Perform an initial analysis to identify and fund cash carry forward reserve needs.

  • Use former budgeted debt service funds to increase reserves towards goal.


  • Reserve fund as a percentage of the total operating budget with a target of reaching 30 percent or more.


Strategic Initiative 2: Improve Access to Services for All Citizens of Greene County

Goal 1: Analyze equity of current access points and determine future needs for access.


  • Define intended service area population for each branch and evaluate their needs.

  • Evaluate access point options including emerging categories such as kiosks or delivery services.

  • Improve collection diversity and accessibility based on community needs.

  • Increased engagement with the community to identify and meet needs.


  • Number of active library users as a percent of the Greene County population with a target of increasing over the prior year's rate.

  • Resident satisfaction with library access as measured by an annual survey with a target of 90 percent satisfaction.

Goal 2: Expand community, corporate, and neighborhood partnerships to increase access points.


  • Analyze existing and potential partnerships to increase service reach.

  • Building upon small business and entrepreneurial connections through the Business Connect program.

  • Dedicating staff time and development for community outreach and engagement.

  • Ensuring the Library is represented through staff participation in community organizations and decision making processes.


  • Number of community organizations that have active Library partnerships with a target of increasing over the prior year.

  • Library net promoter score as measured by an annual survey of community partners with a target of improvement over the prior year results.

Goal 3: Expand outreach collaboratives and partnerships to provide access and services to underserved populations; including non-readers, non-English speakers, and non-library users.


  • Build upon community partnerships for improved service outreach, such as school partnerships.

  • Diversity and inclusion services and staffing initiatives to improve access.

  • Identify service gaps through geographic analysis of active card holders relative to population.

  • Proactive engagement by engaging groups and organizations with members in underserved populations.


  • Number of one-on-one conversations with Greene County residents to collect Library feedback with an annual target of 1,000 or more.

Strategic Initiative 3: Enhance the Total User Experience

Goal 1: Evaluate the current branches for the addition of multi-use spaces including outdoor, meeting and study areas and drive-up windows.


  • Expand the Library Center auditorium to meet community needs for large events and programs.

  • Improve outdoor spaces including through community partnerships with organizations such as the Park Board.

  • Pursue the "Museum Model" for library spaces with permanent and traveling displays for users.

  • Upgrade existing locations to provide better furnishings, lighting, accessibility, technology and virtual friendly rooms.


  • Total library traffic with target of 10 percent increase over the prior year.

  • Number of people and organizations who were unable to reserve space due to Library capacity with a target of 0.

Goal 2: Enhance the digital user experience.


  • Improve software for user functions, such as replacing the SPACES software.

  • Improve user access through training and additional digital resources, including a library user app and federated search.

  • Increase online self-service options, including payments, Library Foundation donations and program registrations.

  • Provide accessible virtual options for event attendance and participation.


  • Percent of library users who report using digital services or resources as measured by an annual survey with a target of increase relative to last year's results.

  • Percent of library user satisfaction with digital resources and services as measured by an annual survey with a target of 90 percent satisfaction

Goal 3: Enhance all aspects of the library's collection.


  • Continue to explore opportunities to "Merchandise" collection displays to improve user access.

  • Encourage patron engagement/suggestions in collection purchasing decisions.

  • Prioritize staff time for development of reader advisory skills.

  • Promote collection diversity and inclusion.


  • Number of collection items checked out divided by total collection size with annual target of increase relative to the past year's ratio.

  • Percent of library user satisfaction with physical collection as measured by an annual survey with a target of 90 percent satisfaction.

Goal 4: Increase public awareness of library services.


  • Develop education programs on library services for internal audiences including users.

  • Invest in advertising and content creation, such as hiring a videographer, to improve information provided to residents.

  • Leverage community partnerships and engagement to reach a broader audience.

  • Professional development for staff to act as ambassadors promoting library offerings to the community.

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