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All Library branches will be closed and the Mobile Library will not make its scheduled stops on Wednesday, February 19th, due to inclement weather.


MOBIUS Information

Recently Added Materials FAQ

1. What titles are included in the recently added collection?

The collection includes both newly published works and previously released titles recently added to our catalog.

2. Can I narrow down the list of results?

Yes, you can refine your search by making selections based on various criteria, such as date range, genre, topic, and format. The more specific your selections, the more tailored your results will be.

3. How do the date ranges work?

The available date ranges are relative to the current date. This means you don’t have to wait for weekly updates—your search will always reflect the most current data.

4. What does an asterisk (*) mean next to a selection?

Selections marked with an asterisk (*) are not applicable to children's or young adult materials.

5. Can I search by multiple formats and topics at once?

Yes! Genre and topic filters apply to all formats you select. For instance, if you select “book,” “DVD,” and “non-fiction,” the results will show non-fiction titles for both books and DVDs.

6. How many results will be displayed?

The number of results depends on the titles cataloged within your selected time frame and search criteria. More refined criteria yield more specific results.

7. What are the different ways to view the search results?

  • Grid View (Default): Displays more titles per page, with icons showing the formats available and their status.

  • List View: Shows detailed information about each title. You can also select multiple titles to create personal lists or place batch holds directly from this view.

8. Can I save or hold multiple titles at once?

Yes, in list view, you can select multiple titles at once to add to a personal list or place batch holds.

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