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MOBIUS Information

Test Proctoring

Need a test proctored? Call the Reference desk of any Library branch or email at the address below.


Email Address

Ash Grove Branch Library

Fair Grove Branch Library

Library Center

Library Station

Midtown Carnegie Branch Library

Republic Branch Library

Schweitzer Brentwood Branch Library

Strafford Branch Library

Willard Branch Library

  • The Library provides proctoring services at a cost of $15 per test.

  • The Library will meet the proctoring requirements of the testing institution wherever possible; however, the Library cannot provide direct in-room supervision of the student during the test.

  • Most proctoring services can be provided at any branch, except Park Central, during regular Library hours. Patrons who must use a Library computer for an online test may be referred to the Library Center, as that facility has the greatest number of public-access computers.

  • Library staff must receive the following information before a test is sent to a branch for proctoring: student name, name of institution, phone number or email of student.

  • Tests can be received or returned through the mail or by email. Additional costs may be charged to the student or institution for printing, photocopying or mailing. The Library can also receive tests from delivery services such as Fed Ex or UPS. Since the Library is not a pickup site for these delivery services, tests cannot be returned in this manner.

  • It is the student's responsibility to follow up with the educational institution, to ascertain that the completed test was received there. The Library will not keep copies of test materials unless specifically asked to do so by an institution.

Read the full proctoring policy.

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