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MOBIUS Information

Walking Books

Thanks to the Walking Books program, Library patrons who cannot easily travel to the Library due to physical limitations can get Library materials delivered to their homes once a month. Staff of the Outreach Services Department interview each Walking Books patron to learn his or her interests. Staff members help patrons keep track of what they have checked out and suggest materials that might be of interest to them. Staff and volunteers deliver new materials each visit and return materials from the previous delivery. Materials are checked out for the entire period between deliveries.

If you are interested in receiving Walking Books services, call (417) 883-6112.

Want to Help?

Walking Books volunteers enrich the lives of those in the community who cannot easily travel to the Library by delivering books and other items to their doorsteps.

  • Deliver books and other items to Walking Books patrons on regularly scheduled routes, picking up items from previous delivery

  • Commit a few hours one day each month to do the deliveries

  • Develop a camaraderie with Walking Books patrons

To find out more about volunteering, contact Human Resources, at (417) 616-0589 or

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