GEORGE E. ANDERSON. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is a young man full of enterprise and push and is recognized as among the leading business men of Springfield. He has been a resident of the place since August 31, 1890, but has been. connected with the business interests of the city since 1883. He first engaged in the manufacture of lumber in 1883 in a town known as Sargent, Texas County, Mo.; his plant turning out from 12,000 to 15,000 feet of lumber per day, but he removed his business from that place to Shannon County in 1885 and increased the capacity of his plant from 20,000 to 25,000 feet per day. The name of the firm that owned the plant was Anderson & Son, George E. Anderson's father being at the head of the concern. He remained in that county from 1885 to 1888, then purchased 21,000 acres of pine land and moved his plant to McDonald County and closed out their wholesale business in January, 1892. In 1891 they leased a planing-mill near Springfield and did a wholesale business for some time, amounting to about one half million dollars a year, which was one of the largest businesses of that kind done in the State of Missouri. All this time they conducted a mercantile business also, and carried a general line of goods valued at about $7,000. Since about August 19, 1892, George E. has carried on a retail lumber business, and in this, as in other occupations in which be has been engaged, be has been remarkably successful. The father, John S. Anderson, was born in White County, Ill., March 28, 1834, a son of John and Nancy (Trapp) Anderson, the grandfather being of Scotch descent but a native of Kentucky. John S. Anderson was a volunteer in the first Illinois Cavalry, in which he served for about four years, at the end of which time he enlisted in Fourteenth Illinois Infantry, Company I, of which he became first lieutenant. He was captured on Gen. Stoneman's raid and was kept in captivity for some time. He was wounded once while in the service but on the whole was exceptionally fortunate in this respect while in the service, and also suffered little from sickness, being at all times ready for duty. In 1867 he and a brother went to southeast Kansas, where they established a saw-mill, but also farmed one year, after which he purchased a large flouring-mill. In 1877 he closed this out and in 1883 be and his son closed this business and began dealing in lumber, as above stated. He was married twice, his first wife being Mary J. Wrenwick, who was born in White County, Ill., a daughter of James and Nancy (Galt) Wrenwick, who were born in Tennessee and Kentucky, respectively. When the subject of this sketch was a mere lad his mother died, he being the oldest of the three children she bore her husband. The other two are Eliza, widow of A. B. Chapman, who died in 1881, and Anna, who is living in Kansas, married to J. M. Holt. After the death of his first wife Mr. Anderson married again in 1870, Rachel E. Wrenwick, her sister, and to them nine children have been born: Albert, Francis, Cora, Roy, Terry, Clifford, Claud, Bertha and one that died young. John S. Anderson was a member of the A. F. & A. M. and the Albert Anderson Post of the G. A. R., which was named in honor of his younger brother who died in that foul pen, Andersonville Prison. He was interested in the political affairs of his day, was a strong Republican and died on December 21, 1891. He was a man of sound judgment, of excellent business qualities, and his successful career in the business world was but a natural sequence of the mature judgment he at all displayed. George E. Anderson was born in White County, Ill., August 10, 1856, but upon the death of his mother, which occurred when he was about four years old, he was taken by her parents with whom be made his home until February, 1868, when he went to Montana, Kan., where he attended school and learned the trade of an engineer, which he followed in that State for sixteen years. He left school at the age of nineteen years, but being bright and intelligent and keenly alive to his own interests, he made the most his opportunities and obtained a thoroughly practical education. Later he became connected with his father in the saw-mill business and this has received considerable portion of his attention up to the present time. His business succeeded the Home Lumber Company, and he has since been a prominent figure in the lumber interests of the Southwest, ranking among representative men engaged in that line of trade. His yards are locate (the corner of Boonville and Pine Streets, and although located in the heart of the city, is dotted by towering oak and sturdy hickory trees, whose delightful shade renders manual labor by no means a hardship. His yard one of the most complete and finely stocked in this section of the country from it comes a large part of the lumber used in the city, while large shipments are made to other points. His office at No. 709 Boonville Street is handsomely and conveniently furnished and is provided with a fine safe and other essential office fixtures. He gives employment to quite a number of men and has his own teams which are kept constantly busy. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M., in which he has attained high rank, and is a member of Ararat Temple of the Mystic Shrine of Kansas City. Politically he has always been a Republican, and socially a public-spirited man. He married August 20, 1890, to Miss Emma Morley, of Eureka Springs, Kan., and to their union a little daughter has been given. They own and occupy a pleasant and comfortable residence at No. 899 East Walnut street, Springfield, where it is their delight to welcome their numerous friends. Mr. Anderson is a man full of enterprise and push and is deservedly classed among the leading business men of the place.
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