R. L. GOODE. Of the many members of the bench and bar in the West, none has awakened more respect for his character and ability than R. L. Goode, of Springfield, Mo. He is descended from a long line of honorable ancestors who were noted for their patriotism and love of liberty. The family of Goode first became represented in this country by two brothers who, on account of their adhesion to the king in the parliamentary wars, were exiled by Cromwell in 1648. They settled at Norfolk, Va., where some member of the family has resided to the present day. The original home of the family was at Whitby, Yorkshire, England, but after coming to America they identified themselves with American interests, and upon the opening of the Revolutionary War several members of the family served in the Patriot Army, Richard S. Goode, the great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, being a colonel in the Continental Army. The grandfather, who also bore the name of Richard S. Goode, took an important part in the War of 1812, under Col. Richard Johnson, and was also a participant in the famous Black Hawk War. Richard S. Goode, at an early day, settled in the wilds of Kentucky, making his home in Henry County, where W. T. Goode, the father of the subject of this sketch was born and resided until 1860, from which time until 1868 Jefferson County, of the same State, was his home. He has always been a Democrat in politics, is still living and is a resident of Springfield, having lived there with his son for the past six years. He was united in marriage to Martitia E. Guthrie and by her he became the father of four children, a daughter named Virginia dying in infancy, Martitia, who lived to maturity, a son who died in infancy and R. L., who is the only surviving member of this family. The mother of these children died in Lawrence County, Mo., in 1876. In the late Civil War there were 100 men of the name of Goode took part in the struggle and all but three were members of the Confederate Army. R. L. Goode was born in Henry County, Ky., February 4, 1855, and lived in that State until he was thirteen years old, attending Jefferson and Harmonia Colleges. The family moved to Missouri in 1868, and he completed his education at Drury College, from which institution he graduated in 1876. Following this he was principal of the Springfield high school for two years, and superintendent of the city schools for one year. In 1879, three years after leaving College, he began the practice of law, having prepared himself for this profession with Col. Jerry Cravens. The day he was admitted to the bar he became a partner with his preceptor and since that time they have been associated, and during these long years that he has been a member of the bar, he has handled many important law cases and almost without exception has brought them to a termination in favor of his client. He is a gentleman of high personal character, and literary and legal attainments. He is possessed of a judicial cast of mind, a clear insight, cautious and deliberate judgment, and a thoroughness which leaves no effort untried in the management of business entrusted to him; is a clear and forcible debater, and both in court and public life exercises a marked and increasing influence; a man of courteous and pleasing manners, upright in character, and public-spirited in all his actions. He has been employed on some of the most important cases that have come up in the Southwest and has been on one side or the other of nearly all the important civil litigation which has occupied the Springfield courts. He has realized competency in the practice of his profession. Mr. Goode was married in 1885 to Miss Estella B. Maurer, daughter of Manuel Maurer of this city. She is a native of Fremont, Ohio. They have two children, Grace, who is seven years of age, and Katherine, who is three years old. Mr. Goode and his family attend the Calvary Presbyterian Church, of which Mrs. Goode is a member. Their home is at 588 East Walnut Street.
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