R. P. HALDEMAN. The wide-awake business man whose name is at the bead of this sketch is the very efficient secretary and general manager of the National Loan and Investment Association of Springfield, Mo., which was incorporated under the laws of the State of Missouri in 1890, with a capital stock of $5,000,000. The benefits to be derived from investment in this association are incalculable, because it has few losses, its loans being repaid in small installments monthly, its interest and premium on loans are compounded monthly, an opportunity not possessed by any other class of financial institutions, and to the fast that its profits from fines, withdrawals, deposit stock and canceled loans add largely to its earning power. It is also a perfectly safe institution for its funds are invested in non-negotiable real estate mortgages, its management is economical and conservative, all the offices handling money are under heavy fidelity bonds, and it is already well established, having accumulated assets of about $200,000. It is readily acknowledged that building and loan associations do a great amount of good all over the whole country, and their shareholders are counted by the hundred thousand and the homes obtained through their instrumentality by the thousand. The ownership of a home is a guarantee of good citizenship, and provides at the same time a safe and popular method of investing small savings. They have come to be regarded as institutions of public as well as private benefit. The managers of this association, after much careful thought and study, have put into operation improved plans of loaning money on the monthly payment system, which undoubtedly places it in the lead as regards safety, equity and profit. The business is not alone confined to Springfield and Greene County, but it is a national concern and is doing a profitable business all over the country, and the gentlemen connected with it are, without doubt, men of discrimination, sound judgment, and keen commercial instincts. The president is George M. Jones; vice-president, Joseph W. Hall; secretary and general manager, R. P. Haldeman; and W. F. Howser, treasurer. The directors are, besides the officers above mentioned, T. J. Murray, J. F. G. Bentley, S. S. Hoblit, J. S. Ambrose and J. T. Howser. Mr. R. P. Haldeman is an able business man and conducts the affairs of the company in a masterly manner and to the unbounded satisfaction of all concerned. The offices are in the Baldwin Theatre building and are handsomely and conveniently fitted up. Mr. Haldeman is a native of Bloomington, Ill., where he received his early training and spent his early life. He finished his education in Butler University, of Indianapolis, Ind., and upon leaving school followed the road as a traveling salesman for a number of years. Later he became a clerk in the office of some of the best building and loan associations in Illinois and Minnesota, during which time he obtained a practical insight into the business, which has been of great benefit to him since embarking in his present line of work. The stockholders are treated most liberally and fairly, and it should be an object of patronage from all enterprising men. It saves money by systematic methods, and it is better than an insurance policy, from the fact that you need not die to get your profits, but secure them on withdrawal, and it is better than a savings bank, for it pays over eight times the profits, and its investments are better secured, and it is equally as safe as a Government bond and pays six times the profit. The plan on which the business is conducted has been tried for years and has by no means been found wanting, on the contrary, it has proven its worth and benefit to any community. Mr. Haldeman has made his home in Springfield since the establishment of the company, and is universally respected and esteemed. He is connected with the Pioneer Building and Loan Association of Minnesota and the Metropolitan Loan Association of Illinois.
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