F. S. HEFFERNAN. This intelligent and successful attorney of' Springfield, Mo., is one of those who has achieved considerable distinction in his profession, and who constitute the bone, sinew and brain of the commonwealth. He came to this city from Minnesota in 1867, and since that time has taken a deep interest in the progress and development of the place. Prior to leaving school in Milwaukee he had begun the study of law and he finished his preparation for his profession in this city. In 1868 be was admitted to the bar and since that time he has been one of the busiest and most prosperous attorneys of the county. As an attorney he is noted for his care and industry. His fidelity to the interests of his clients and the integrity and sagacity shown in the management of his client's interests, have enabled him to occupy a useful position in his profession. He has displayed fine business judgment and all the enterprises with which he has been connected have been brought to a successful issue. To him is due the establishment of several of the manufacturing plants in Springfield, such as the Electric Light plaint, started and owned by him and James Reilly; the Ice Factory was started and owned by him, Reilly and J. S. Ambrose; for years be was president of the Gas Company; a large stockholder in the Springfield Wagon and Plow Works, and the Springfield Foundry and Machine Company; he is the principal owner of the Grand Opera House and is the very efficient vice president of the Greene County Bank, and a director in the Queen City Milling Company. He is an able attorney and is one of the most enterprising of men and has proven himself a decided acquisition to the city. He has been associated with James Reilly in many business ventures, and he and Mr. Reilly are now owners of the Zoo Park, which is the largest in the State of Missouri, and is a beautiful and favorite Place of public resort. This park is located one-half mile north of the city limits and the question of quick and cheap transportation has been settled by the Metropolitan Electric Railroad Company and cars are run from all parts of the city direct to the grounds. The park comprises about 130 acres in all and may be truly said to be "a thing of beauty and a joy forever." It has many delightful natural nooks, and innumerable springs which bubble out of the hillsides, and expense has not been spared to add to the many natural attractions. Artificial lakes have been made, drives through the grounds laid out, a summer hotel complete in every detail erected, bath and boat houses provided, and a fine race track and stables for fair grounds will be completed this fall. They have a very fine collection of animals, which have been gathered together at large expense and with much difficulty, and these they expect to use for exhibition and also for breeding purposes, therefore their animals are well selected, large and healthy. They have a fine specimen of the tapir, a zebu, a majestic moose, a cape buffalo, a fine herd of graceful deer, which includes the fallow deer, the black-tailed variety, and the mule deer. The bear pit is an object of great interest and curiosity on the part of the visitors. This pit is hewn out of the solid rock with running springs and an iron cage, which altogether cost the managers a large sum. They have a brown, a black and a cinnamon bear, all magnificent specimens of their kind. There is also a family of monkeys, an African lion, a puma, two oscelots (leopard cat and tiger cat), a pair of urano, a pair of lynx and babboons, ant eaters, a cage of six varieties of rabbits, coons, foxes, wolves, badgers, elephant, camel, yak, nylhan, ibex, llama, alpaca, cape buffalo, ostrich, etc., fill out the collection, which is well selected and worth going miles to see. The hotel is a tasteful and beautiful building, with large and airy rooms, and a competent landlord is soon to be placed in charge. The dining room is spacious and the dancing pavilion built over the lake has a floor space of 40x40 feet. The water to be had at the park has been tested and pronounced perfectly pure and there is absolutely no reason why "Specific" park should not become a noted summer resort. The citizens of Southwest Missouri are greatly indebted to Messrs. Heffernan and Reilly for this magnificient park, and these gentlemen deserve the greatest credit for their enterprise, forethought and push. Mr. Heffernan was born in Wisconsin, March 13, 1846, and was educated in the public schools and Hamlin University. In 1867 he came to Springfield, and in 1882 was solicited to run for Congress. He was married April 29, 1872, at Springfi.eld, to Miss Alice Chambers, a native of Augusta, Ga. He has always delighted in seeking out new and untrodden paths, and the conception of the zoological park is entirely original with him in this section of the state, and there can be no question of its success under his shrewd and liberal management. Mr. Reilly is also a man of great business ability and any enterprise with which he is connected is assured of success from the beginning.
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