W. D. HUBBARD. No matter how disagreeable the outlook in life, or how little encouragement is received, there are some who will succeed in whatever they undertake, while others, placed in the same position, will give up in despair. Among those who have won universal respect by push and energy and by his adaptability to the profession of law, may be mentioned W. D. Hubbard who has come boldly to the front, and, with the perseverance and progressive spirit of the native Kentuckian, has surmounted all difficulties. In pursuing the very important and necessary calling of law, he has met with a degree of success flattering in the extreme, and has not only shown that he is well posted in his profession, but that he can practically apply his knowledge, and as a natural consequence his services have been greatly in demand. He is a native of Kirksville, Madison County, Ky., born on the third day of October, 1840, a son of John H. and Sarah A. (Brooks) Hubbard, the former of whom was also born in Ky., in 1816, a son of Daniel Hubbard who was a native of Virginia, to which State they removed from England taking an active part in the War for Independence in behalf of the Colonies. Harrison Hubbard, the great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was a man of wealth but being an enthusiastic patriot it was all spent in behalf of the cause he espoused. His wealth was obtained by tilling the soil in Maryland, where he was living at the time of the struggle with the mother country, and he took a very prominent part in all the affairs of his State, being highly respected. His wife was a Miss Marier, who was connected with the well known King family, of Virginia. Her father was a leader of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in an early day he was appointed surveyor of the State of Virginia. In 1845, when the subject of this sketch was about five years of age, his father emigrated to Missouri and settled in Ray County but a year later removed to Caldwell County, and in 1851 to Clinton County where he became well known as a, politician and merchant. He possessed oratorical powers of a high quality, was eloquent, forcible, logical and convincing, and in the political arena was considered one of its brightest lights. He married his wife in Kentucky, she being a daughter of John Brooks, a prominent man of his section and a large slave holder. Although a native of Virginia he inherited English and Welsh stock of his ancestors. John H. Hubbard was an earnest and influential member of the Christian Church, and politically was first a Whig but later became a Republican and as such continued until his death, which occurred in 1877. Upon the opening of the great Civil War in 1861 he raised a regiment of cavalry, but in the early part of that great struggle he was shot in the thigh and was honorably discharged in Jasper County. His wife died in 1859, after having borne him ten children: Elizabeth E., who married L. Pardue, is living in Clay County, Missouri; W. D., the subject of this sketch; Charles H., who died in 1860 at the age of eighteen years; Moses, who is living in Kansas City, was a soldier in the Sixth Missouri Cavalry, was captured and sentenced to be shot. He is a successful merchant and a man of family; Mary L. is the deceased wife of James Logan; John Harrison was a merchant of Springfield and is now deceased; Sarah married a Mr. Smith, and upon her death left a family; Olive M. is living in Kansas City, Mo.; Olive is deceased, and Edward E., who is a successful miller and well-to-do citizen of Jasper County, Mo., is married and has a family. After the death of the mother of these children the father married again and by his second wife became the father of seven children. He was a member of the A. F. & A. M., and was a warm supporter of the cause of temperance. The early life of W. D. Hubbard was spent in northwest Missouri where he obtained a practical education in the common schools and art academy. At an early age he began teaching school, and while successfully pursuing this occupation he began the study of law and continued until the opening of the Rebellion, when he at once cast aside personal considerations to take up arms in defense of his country, and after serving for a short time in a volunteer company he became a member of Company B., of the Sixth Missouri Cavalry and served as a Cavalryman and officer for nearly five years, being in the Missouri Department. He was promoted to the rank of major, in May, 1862, being promoted to first lieutenant the following December, and serving s such until September, 1864, when he was appointed to the position of first lieutenant of the Thirteenth Missouri Veteran Cavalry, and from March, 1865, he was captain of that company. He was brevet major and brevet colonel of Volunteers, being promoted for gallant and valuable services, and was on the staff of John B. Saunders from November 1863 until September 1864. He was assistant commissary musterer of the Department of Missouri from 1865 till August, 1866, during which time he mustered in many officers and mustered out over 30,000 men. He was with Gens. Schofield and Pope, and at the battle of Lone Jack, Mo., he was wounded in the right leg, but being the commander of the troops during the latter part of that engagement, he successfully conducted their retreat. He was also in the engagements at Independence and Little Blue, and in 1862 was taken prisoner with his father and his brother Moses. He and the latter were sentenced to be shot, but the close of the war prevented this from being carried out. Soon after the termination of hostilities he came to Springfield, and was here married to Emily F. Powell, the daughter of Gen. Joseph F. Powell, a, prominent man of Greene County, and an active supporter of the Whig party, He was a wealthy trader of Springfield, because an extensive land holder and was very popular with all who know him. Mrs. Hubbard was born in Springfield, in 1847, and in the schools of this place and in St. Louis she received her education. She has bore her husband two children: Charles A., who is engaged in the mercantile business in Springfield, and Walter, who was educated in the schools of this city, after which he began the study of law, with his father, in 1890, and was admitted to the bar in 1892, after which he was appointed assistant prosecuting attorney of Greene County, Mo., and held the position under Hon. H. E. Havens, the prosecuting attorney. He is a young man of great promise and bids fair to follow in his worthy father's footsteps. W. D. Hubbard has always been an active politician and a stanch supporter of the Republican party, and in 1876 his services to his party were recognized by his election to the position of prosecuting attorney of Greene County, which he held during 1877 and 1878. In 1882 he was elected city attorney, and in the fall of the same year was elected county judge, the duties of which position he discharged in a very able and successful manner for six years. From 1874 to 1886 he was connected with the United States Circuit Court, and from 1871 to 1875 also held the position of justice of the peace. He has been an active practitioner, and his knowledge of law and his intelligence on all matters of public interest have won him a large clientage. His strength lies in his great fairness and liberality, coupled with a keen discernment of the motives behind actions. He himself never hesitates to explain fully his reasons for any line of action, and when he has explained them there is always a large following of friends who find that they agree with him exactly. Socially he is a member of New Harmony Lodge of the I. O. O. F., the K. of H., and is also much interested in the G. A. R. order. In his practice he has been connected with at least twenty of the most important criminal cases that have arisen in southwest Missouri, in several of which he has been ably assisted by his son. Their office is in the Baldwin Theatre building, Rooms Nos. 207 and 209, which are handsomely and appropriately fitted up and supplied with a good library. He has a beautiful and comfortable home on Springfield Avenue and enjoys the conveniences and luxuries which his own fine business qualities have gathered about him.
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