Pictorial and Genealogical Record
of Greene County, Missouri • 1893

Together with Bibliographies of Prominent Men of Other Portions of the State, Both Living and Dead

JOHN D. JARRETT. Among the efficient and prominent officials of Greene County, Mo., Mr. John D. Jarrett takes a prominent place. Not only is he a conscientious and faithful public servant, but as a citizen and neighbor no man stands higher in the estimation of the people. His father, Higdor R. Jarrett, was originally from North Carolina but when young went to Tennessee, and was educated in the common schools of the same. Trained to farm life be chose that as his calling in life when starting out for himself, and settled on land not far from Lebanon, Tenn. There he married, but his wife died leaving no children. His second marriage was to Miss Adaline Runnells, who bore him six children: Eliza, Sarah, Elizabeth. Susan V., Laura and John D., all of whom were born in Greene County, Mo., where Mr. Jarrett moved immediately after marriage. He was a man of prominence, and was .captain of the old militia of Tennessee. He also held the office of sheriff and other public positions. In 1834 be came to Greene County, Mo., and settled on land that he had entered, seven miles northeast of Springfield. This he cleared up, but subsequently moved to a farm within one mile of the present limits of Springfield. This farm consisted of 400 acres part of which he cleared up, improved in every way, and resided upon until his death, which occurred in February, 1882, when in his seventy-eighth year. He was a great Union man during the Civil War, and mustered, organized and drilled the fast company of home guards of Greene County. Mr. Jarrett would have entered the army, but was prevented by his children. In politics he was at one time an old line Whig, but later he became a Republican. A great reader, he took all the leading newspapers, and was well-posted on all the leading topics of the day, particularly politics. He was a man of unusual intelligence, and excellent business acumen. A self-made man, all his accumulations were the result of hard work and economy on his part. He lost much of his property by going security. In his religious views he was a Methodist, and his wife, who at one time was a Presbyterian, later became a Methodist also. She died in August, 1852, and Mr. Jarrett was married in 1855 to Miss Martha F---, whose father, William F. was an old resident of Greene County. To the last marriage was born one child, a son, William, who resides in this county. John D. Jarrett, subject of this sketch, was born on his father's farm, northeast of Springfield, January 22, 1852, and was reared to farm life. His scholastic training was received in the-common schools, and on November 28, 1876, be wedded Miss Lucinda A. Woods, daughter of Samuel and Kiza Woods. Mr. Woods was born in Tennessee. and immediately after his marriage in that State, came to Greene County, Mo., about 1840, and settled on a farm about three miles northeast of Springfield. This farm he cleared up, and became a prosperous tiller of the soil. To himself and wife were born six children, all of whom lived to mature years: William, Sarah, Emily R., Lucinda, Tolbert M. and Dorsey F. Formerly a Democrat in politics he now supports the People's party. He was deputy sheriff under Sheriff Owens. Both he and wife are members of the Christian Church, and are highly esteemed citizens of the community. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett settled on a farm one mile northeast of the city limits, and there resided until 1893, when he was elected county superintendent of Greene County Almshouse. He has discharged the duties incumbent upon that position in a very capable manner, and the almshouse and farm are in excellent condition. A stanch Republican in his political views he is public spirited and enterprising and has taken deep interest in having good schools. For nine years he was school director in his district, and clerk after the first six years. Ever interested in good roads he was road commissioner for three terms, and accomplished much in that time. Among others he built, with prison labor, the road running north from the north city limits, the first road built with prison labor in Greene County. Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett are the parents of five children: Elmer L., born January 19, 1879; Samuel E., born July 17, 1881; Lena M., born September 2, 1874; Anna B., born July 15, 1886, and an infant unnamed, whose birth occurred February 21, 1,893. For years Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett have been members of the Methodist Church, and he has been steward in the same. He is a man who has made his way to the front by industry and good management and as an honorable man, and one whose word is as good as his bond, he is well known.


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