Pictorial and Genealogical Record
of Greene County, Missouri • 1893

Together with Bibliographies of Prominent Men of Other Portions of the State, Both Living and Dead

QUEEN CITY MILLING COMPANY. When a grain of wheat is cut across the middle and examined under a glass;, the central parts are found to be composed of a white substance; if the grain is dry this interior readily becomes a pearly powder. Near the outside of the kernel the texture is more compact, and at the surface it becomes horny. This added firmness is produced by the increasing quantity of gluten as the analysis advances from center to circumference. Understanding the structure of the grain, it has been the object of the miller to separate the various parts so as to get different grades of flour. It is the gluten which gives flour its strongest property, and it is in the nice separation of this constituent that the roller process excels. As one of the finest examples of the application of this process and machinery generally to the manufacture of flour, the Queen City Mills, Springfield, command detailed attention. This enterprise was established in 1879 and incorporated under the laws of Missouri -with a capital stock of $25,000, the president being John Schmook; vice-president Charles Sheppard, and secretary and general manager, R. A. Clark. The plant was built and located on the site of the oldest mill in the Southwest, that being the small plant built by John Schmook at an early day. This be carried on until the time the Queen City Mills were established. At the time the company was organized the mill, which now stands on the Frisco track and Boonville Street, was built and assumed a very important place in the manufacturing interests of the city. A large business was carried on and a large scope of country was supplied with leading brands of flour. The building is a large brick structure, three stories and basement, and was well equipped with the buhr process until 1884. Since then it has been thoroughly remodeled with a full roller system, and the capital stock raised to $50,000. It has several times its original capacity, and at the same time a large and convenient elevator was built. This has a capacity of many thousand bushels of grain and is located on the Frisco tracks, giving the mill and elevator both good shipping advantages. Mr. Schmook and his partner Mr. Sheppard retired from the business, and Mr. E. H. Graybill was elected president. Mr. Clark had the management of affairs up to 1889 when his death occurred. After this Mr. Carr was elected general manager of the company and the officers at the present time are : E. H. Graybill, president ; John G. Russell, vice-president, and L. Carr, Jr., secretary and general manager. The mill has a capacity of 200 barrels per day, and a number of their brands are well known throughout the Southwest. The company has taken a great interest in the perfecting of the brands and has expended large sums in machinery, etc. It can now be said to be at the head of the milling interests in the Southwest. This mill manufactures the brands known as Queen Bee and Cream ----, well and favorably known throughout the community. Flour is shipped to all the Southwest and includes Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and has taken the premium at the St. Louis Fair as well as in other places. Mr. Carr, the general manager, is a native of Missouri and was educated at Cambridge, Mass. Since 1881 he has been a respected citizen of Springfield, a thorough business man, and is capably filling the responsible position he now holds. The most efficient miller of this vast industry, A. F. Leonhard, is a native of St. Louis, born February 8, 1858, and of German descent, his father, Fredrick Leonhard, being a native of that country. The latter came to this country with his father when five years of age. Grandfather Leonhard was a miller and followed that occupation in his native country until he came to America. He then erected a mill at St. Louis, one of the first in the city, and resided in that city for many years. His death occurred when sixty-nine years of age. He reared a family of three sons and one daughter. All the sons became millers. They were named as follows: Ernest W., a resident of St. Louis, engaged in milling at that place, is well along in years. John F., died in St. Louis; he was a miller and also ran a saw-mill in Perry County, Mo. Both Ernest and John F. had sons who became millers. Fredrick Leonhard, father of subject, resides in St. Louis and has been a miller for years. He is now engaged in the ---- business. At Evansville, Ind., he was, married to Miss Carrie Homan, a native of Greene County, Mo., and the daughter of John C. Homan. To Mr. and Mrs. Leonhard were born eight children.- Louis B.,. has been running a flour mill since boyhood and now owns one at ----- ------. Martin, died in infancy; August F. (subject); Alta, died in infancy.; Adolph, resides in St. Louis and is engaged in the real estate business; Emma, Matilda and Emily. The father and mother are connected with the Lutheran Church. The original of this notice first saw the light of day in St. Louis and attended the schools of the same until fifteen years of age. He then served a year's apprenticeship at piano making and later became ----- of a bank. When his father built a mill in Illinois young Leonhard served his time as miller, following that business for three years. In 1881 he came to Springfield and was employed in the Queen City Mills as head miller, remaining there ten months. From there be went to St. Louis and took charge of two large mills, remaining there until July, 1884, when he came to Springfield. He became head miller again in the Queen City Mills and has held that position since with the exception of five months when he traveled with a mill builder. He is one of the best millers in his section of the State and has had twenty years experience, being thoroughly familiar with every part of the business. He is so thoroughly posted on the subject that he has written a number of articles on it, and the Queen City Mills' wonderful success may be attributed to its making the finest flour in the market. The company employs a large number of men and is kept running day and night. Mr. Leonhard was married in his native town to Miss Emma L. Kalling, a native of St. Louis and the daughter of Fred C. Kalling. Their pleasant home at 870 North Jefferson Street is rendered still pleasanter by the birth of two children, Florence and Edwin, the former attending school. In his political, views Mr. Leonhard is a strong Republican and the only one of his family who supports the "Good old Party." He and family attend the Presbyterian Church. Since 1884 he has been a resident of Springfield, and during that time be has won a host of friends and has done much for the advancement of the city.


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