GEORGE F. REED. The modern architecture of this country is something of which all its residents have reason to be proud, and it speaks well for the gentlemen who are engaged in drawing the plans and superintending the construction of the innumerable handsome residences and business blocks that are springing up like mushrooms all over the country. As much time and care are expended in the making of the first-class modern architect, as in the making of the portrait or landscape painter or the sculptor, and about as much genius is required in one who would excel in architecture, as in either of the other arts mentioned. There is no department of so much importance to a city as the building interest, and it is with these that the architect is allied. A prominent architect who forms an important factor in the industrial relations of the city of Springfield is George F. Reed, who has been a resident of Missouri for the past ten years and of Springfield for the past five years, his arrival in this city dating from, September, 1887. He is a product of Orleans, Ind., where he was born in 1856, and his literary education was acquired in the public high school of his native town. He always possessed an artistic temperament, and this quality found a pleasing vent in the study of architecture which even at that time had come to be considered a matter of paramount importance, and could be successfully followed only by men of culture, of taste, of experience, and endowed by nature specially for the work. These qualities Mr. Reed undoubtedly possessed, and he consequently followed it successfully in Indiana, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas and Colorado, devoting in all about fourteen years to this important calling. He has designed many handsome buildings and has not only devoted his talent to the benefit of the wealthy, but the cottages of the poor show the application of his art and skill. He has done much to cultivate and improve the taste of the people of Springfield, and many of the most elegant and beautifully designed buildings of the place are the work of his genius. He has always been an active worker in the cause of Democracy, and socially belongs to the A. F. & A. M., and the Woodmen of the World. He has a pretty home at 628 State Street, Springfield, where he and his wife hospitably receive their many friends. He is thoroughly respected by all with whom he has business relations, and his office is the objective point of those who desire to build, and is located at 623 on the south side of the public square.
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