Pictorial and Genealogical Record
of Greene County, Missouri • 1893

Together with Bibliographies of Prominent Men of Other Portions of the State, Both Living and Dead

OLIVER HOMER TRAVERS. This wide-awake, successful and well-read attorney of Springfield is a son of Jeremiah T. and Sarah B. Travers and was born in Baltimore, Md., April 6, 1846, in which city he received his education, also in St. Mary's County, that State. In the fall of 1866 he came to St. Louis, Mo., where he followed the calling of a clerk for some time, and in May, 1867, took up his residence in Springfield. After reaching this city he secured employment in a drug store belonging to Murphy & Clements, but after remaining with them for some time he decided to follow other lines of labor and as a means to this end he began his legal studies in the office of McAfee & Phelps, continuing his researches under their instruction until be was admitted to the bar in 1869. In 1872 and 1873 be was elected to the responsible position of city attorney on the Democrat ticket, and in 1876 he was a popular nominee on that ticket for the State Legislature, but declined to make the race. From 1879 to 1881 he was again prosecuting attorney, this time for Greene County, and from 1881 for a year or so afterward he was city attorney of North Springfield. In 1880 he consented to make the race for the Legislature but was defeated by forty-six votes. Since that time he, has applied himself diligently to the practice of his profession and has a reputation of which be has every reason to be proud. He has attained high rank in Masonry and is High Priest of the Springfield Royal Arch Chapter, No. 15, and Senior Warden of Saloma Lodge, No. 271, and Prelate of St. John Commandery, No. 20. He is also a member of the I. O. O. F. He was married November 20, 1869, to Miss Virginia M., daughter of Dr. William Parrish of Greene County, Mo., and of three children born to them Fred P. is the only survivor. Mr. Travers' mother died in 1859, but his father is still a resident of Maryland. Of the five children born to this couple the subject of this sketch is the oldest.


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