A Directory of Towns, Villages, and Hamlets
Past and Present
of Dade County, Missouri

Compiled by Arthur Paul Moser

Bibliography and Acknowledgements

In compiling this Directory of Towns, Villages and Hamlets Past and Present, of Dade County, Missouri, an attempt has been made to include every town in the county.

The following acknowledgements are made:

Miss Roblee and her staff in the Research Department of the Springfield-Greene County Library, who graciously made certain reference books and material available for examination.

Material examined includes the following:

Special recognition is made to Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. Hughes, of Stockton, Mo. This very fine couple made valuable contributions to this directory.

Without their very valuable contributions, this directory would not have been as complete as it is.

The records used by them include:

Dade County Table of Contents
Local History Home

 Springfield-Greene County Library