Compiled by Arthur Paul Moser
Webster County, Missouri
The writer takes this means to acknowledge the assistance which he received from Mr. T. Ballard Watters, of Marshfield. Mr. Watters, who is president of The State Historical Society of Missouri, took the time to read and note the necessary corrections in this Directory.
Mr. Watters noted several towns which had been known under at least two names, and he receives appropriate credit for these entries.
Other credits are given on the following page.
Arthur Paul Moser
July, 1971
In compiling this Directory of Towns, Villages, and Hamlets of Webster County, Past and Present, an attempt has been made to include every town in the county.
The following acknowledgements are made:
Miss Roblee and her staff in the Research Department of the Public Libraries of Springfield and Greene County, who graciously made certain reference books and material available for examination, which included the following:
A special recognition is given to Mrs. Vera Moore Walton, of Niangua, for her valuable contributions to the Directory; also to Mr. Blunt Martin, of Tulsa Oklahoma, who told the tale of his grandfather's discovery of Panther Cave, and the subsequent closing thereof.
Note: Any person may copy any portion of this Directory; however, proper credit should be given.