Volume I, No. 2, Winter 1973


It would be impossible for us to publish BITTERSWEET without the encouragement, help, backing and interest of the many people with whom we are in contact either in person or through correspondence. All of us are constantly being given ideas, information, and suggestions which are invaluable. To do justice to our acknowledgements would take much more than this one page. But the following people or organizations have helped us especially. To them we are heavily indebted For this issue.

Gertrude Toth -Washington, D.C.
Mr. and Mrs. William Chase, Jr. -Stanford, Conn.
Rotary Club - Lebanon, Mo.
J.M. Saeger-Lebanon, Mo.
Chris Low -Lebanon, Mo.
Miriam Gray -Nevada, Mo.

Missouri State Council on the Arts and the National Endowment on the Arts for making BITTERSWEET available to Missouri libraries.

Ralph Gray, Editor of National Geographic SCHOOL BULLETIN, Washington, D.C., whose article in the SCHOOL BULLETIN brought us many new supporters. His encouragement and suggestions during his recent visit with us have helped us in many ways.

Emmitt Massey, Lebanon, Missouri, for putting up with four novices to boat making for many days.

Charles and Inez Calton, Conway, Missouri, for organizing our spring bluegrass benefit and boosting BITTERSWEET wherever they play bluegrass music.

John Cox, Lebanon, Missouri, for his help in recording and editing the sound sheet.

Lois Roper Beard, Conway, Missouri, for helping in many ways, calling, getting contacts. Whatever we need, we go ask Lois.

Eliot Wigginton, advisor of FOXFIRE, Rabun Gap, Georgia, For his continued support and interest.

Institute for the Development of Economic Affairs Service, Inc. (IDEAS), Washington D.C., For giving us initial financial support and technical help.

Ruth Massey, Lebanon, Missouri, our writing consultant.

David Massey, Lebanon, Missouri, for photographic and artistic assistance.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Hough, Lebanon, Missouri, for furnishing concessions for our bluegrass program.

LEBANON DAILY RECORD For its excellent coverage of BITTERSWEET's progress. Lebanon R-III School Board and administration for their continued support and cooperation.

Other people like Roy Gage, Bill and Doris Graves, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn McSpadden, Charles and Jan Lee and many others who have shared their skill and knowledge with us For this issue.


Copyright © 1981 BITTERSWEET, INC.

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