Volume 1, Number 6 - Winter 1962

Forty-Eighth Missouri Report of Public Schools - 1897
Taney County

The enumeration this year is 2,014 male and 1,803 female white persons for a total of 3,817. The number of persons between the ages of 16 and 25 is 1,083. The cash on hand July 1, 1896, was $2,397.72. Receipts from teachers' fund were state fund, $3,762.25; interest from the county fund, $349.69; interest from the town ship fund, $287.27; from railroad, district, and back taxes, $3,174.65; and $12.32 from tuition fees. The incidental railroad and district taxes afforded $675.91. Building funds included sale of school bonds, $499.00; direct levy for building, $117.58; and interest and sinking fund, $1,692.50 for a total of $2,309.08 from the building fund. The grand total of all receipts was $12,975.89.

Expenditures were $7,500.47 for teachers' wages, $629.97 for incidental expenses, and $2,447.73 for building purposes which makes a total of $10,578.17 for expenditures. The cash on hand July 1, 1897, is $2,397.72. The principal of the various school funds is $5,641.22 which comes from the permanent county school fund. The total school fund of the county is $5,641.22. Fines, forfeitures, etc., were $286.30. The assessed value of taxable property in the county is $1,079,444.00 and the average levy in cents on the $100 valuation is 30. There are 56 school districts.

The total school enrollment is 2,970, consisting of 1,540 male and 1,430 female white persons. The total number of days' attendance by all pupils was 146,190 and the average daily attendance of pupils is 1,531. The number of cases of truancy was 13 and the average length of school term in days is 100. 3,055 children can be seated in the public schools of the county. There are 39 male and 21 female teachers in the county for a total of 60. Their average monthly salary is $25. Fifty-eight school rooms are occupied in the county and there were 4 school houses built during the year. The estimated value of school property is $11,220 and the average levy in cents on the $100 for all school purposes in the county is 54.

A teachers Institute was held in Bradleyville with O. A. McClary presiding. Instructors were John Turrentine and J. D. Delp. It was held for 19 days and the total expenses were $244.50. There were 80 teachers in attendance and the average daily attendance was 76. Seventy certificates were issued and the next Institute will be held in Forsyth.


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