Volume 2, Number 8 - Summer 1966

Minutes of the Mincy Valley Baptist Church of Christ

1871 to 1885
By Eva B. Bruner

Continued from the Spring issue of Quarterly

Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in April 1884: The church at Mincy met and after worship proceeded to business. Minutes of the last meeting read and adopted. Peace of the church called for. Church not in peace. D. A. White preferred against J. F. Brittain as follows: J. F. Brittain is not a qualified minister of the Gospel. Charge and specifications retained by Wm. XV. Vice on motion and second charge taken up and rejected by 29 against 5 upon which Wm. W. Vice withdrew call the church a hand of mobs the church proceeded to business by electing Marion Hopper Moderator Prot. by motion and second a charge was preferred against Wm. W. Vice for lying in order to pull down others in order to build himself up, upon their downfall. 1. Vice asserted that James F. Brittain preached that the church of Jesus Christ was going in to hell and sinners was going in after it. 2. Wm. W. Vice had asserted that there was a committee appointed to wait upon. J. F. Brittain in the absence. 3. Wm. W. Vice did assert that J. F. Brittain was excluded from the church for preaching heresay. 4. Wm. W. Vice did assert that J. F. Brittain did preach trinne immercion essential to remission of sins. 5. Wm. W. Vice did assert that J. F. Brittain did not make concession to the worry of suing remarks and before he was excluded from the church. 6. Wm. W. Vice did assert that he would never grant J. F. Brittain a letter of dismission from the church nor would ever enter the stand again with him for he is corrupt and the charge was then taken up and a preliminary examination made on the investigation of evidence was found guilty of the charge on motion and second a commitee was appointed to wait on Wm. W. Vice and site him to trial at the next church meeting. Committee Wm. H. Glistrap, Jas. F. Bruner. Done by order of the church. Marion Hopper Mod., C. Lank-ford, Clerk.

1884. Sat, before the 2nd Sunday in May 1884 the church met and after services called to order and proceeded to business by electing Marion Hopper Mod. Prot. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. References called for upon which W. T. Glistrap and J. L. Bruner brought in their report as follows: "We your committee visited Brother Vice and he declared that he would have nothing—their time was in vane running after him, report received and committee discharged. Vice being present asked to make a statement. On motion and second request granted. He called for the charge and specifycations and proceeded to answer Spec. 1. I can prove that J. F. Brittain did preach that the church of Jesus Christ is going in to hell sinners are going in after it. Spec. 2. I can prove that there was a committee appointed by the church to visit J. F. Brittain in the akers case and I was on that committee. Spec. 3. I can prove that J. F. Brittain did preach truine immersion in order to remission of sins, can prove it by D. A. White and his wife, and E. Jackson and Sisters Edney Watson, Emaline Jackson, and Sister Watson and Sister Jackson present their evidence called for, they both testifyed that they never heard any such statements made by Bro. Brittain. Spec. 4. I did say that J. F. Brittain was excluded for preaching heresay. Spec. 5. I did say and still say that J. F. Brittain did not make acknowledgements to the rong of suing Sister Akers. Spec. 6. J. F. Brittain is a lyar which I will prove by reading a letter from Bro. Clevenger which states that Vice rote to him


stating that J. F. Brittain told at Mincy that Brother Clevenger was accused of stealing a hog on investigation it was proved that J. F. Brittain never said that Brother Clevenger stole a hog but that there was a dispute between Brother Clevenger and some of the members of the church on Bear Creek about a hog that was killed at his house after which Vise again abruptly left the house, refusing to meet the charge. The specifications were all proven by the following witnesses: J. F. Brittain, Wm. Woodard, T. B. Lankford, L. J. Bruner, E. Jackson, C. T. Pruitt, Wm. S. Smith, Fredrick Lole, T. Watson, Wm. H. Gilstrap, Marion Hopper, N. Pruitt. Specifications against J. F. Brittain was then proven false by the following named witnesses: J. F. Brittain, William Woodard, T. B. Lankford, L. J. Bruner, E. Jackson, Wm. H. Gilstrap, C. T. Pruitt, Wm. S. Smith, Fredrick Dole, T. Watson, Marion Hopper, D. A. White, Howard Pruitt and all the balance of the church upon which the church called a presbytery consisting of J. F. and M. P. Brittain to sit on his case on motion and second case laid we for further consideration. On Motion and second a charge was then brought against alt that withdraw with Vise for dissimulation in disorder for the purpose of breaking down Mincy church. The charge was take up and rec’d on motion and second, on motion and second appointed a committee to wait on them and notify them that a charge was against them and it appears at our next church met on motion and second adjourned to meet Sunday at 11 A.M. Marion Hopper, Mod., T. B. Lankford, Clerk.

Sunday 11—Church met persons to adjournment after services called to order by Mod. Protem. On motion and second took up the case of Vise, the church layed the case duly before the presbytery upon which the presbytery submitted their report to the church as follows, where as we your presbytery have carefully and impartially investigated the case of Wm. W. Vise, therefore we recommend that whereas he is found guilty of the charge it is the duty of this church to call his credentials and withdraw the hand of fellowship from him.

On motion and second of the church his credentials was called for and the hand of fellowship withdrawn. On motion and second adjourned. Marion Hopper, Mod, and T. B. Lankford, Clerk.

June 1884. Saturday before 2nd Sunday in June 1884. Church met and after services proceeded to business by calling Bro. Bell as Mod. Protem. The minutes of the last meeting read and received by amendments to read so as to include charge specifications evidences and the action of the church on motion and second references called for upon which the committee reported that there are none of them who went off with Vise coming hack to the church, report received and committee discharged on motion and second withdraw the hand of fellowship from them on the previous charge. On motion and second adjourned. Elder Bell Mod. Prot., T. B. Lanksford, Clerk. (their names p. 102)

June 1884. Sunday church met and after services proceeded to business by calling T. B. Lankford upon which he tendered his resignation as ck. (clerk), and on motion and second his resignation received on motion and second elected J. F. Brittain clerk. On motion and second A. N. Kilman was granted letters of recommendation on motion and second church called for a presbytery to meet with them at their July meeting for the purpose of ordaining deacons on motion and second, a rule of order that all members of the church shall vote on all questions for or against - or sign their reasons why. On motion and second adjourned. T. B. Lankford, Mod. J. F. Brittain. Clerk.

July 1884. On Saturday before the second Sunday, the church met and after services called to order by the Mod. and proceeded to business. The meeting of the last meeting was read and adopted and the amendments of the April and May meetings was read and received the reference was then taken up and as no presbytery had responded the ordination.

July and August, 1884. - Of deacons was layed over the church when called for. Peace disturbed by disorderly wald of Bros. Lankford Walker and Abner Layton. A committee consisting of T. B. Lankford and J. F. Brittain to wait on them and report at the next meeting. On motion and second adjourned. T. B. Lankford, Mod. J. F. Brittain ,Clerk.

August 1884. On Saturday before the first Sunday in August 1884 church met and after services called to order and proceeded to business by calling Bro. Marion Hopper Mod. Protem. Minutes of last meeting read and received. On motion and second layed over the report of the community that was appointed to wait on Bro. Lunsford Walker and Bro. Abner Layton until Sunday. On motion & second that we adjourned. Marion Hopper, Mod. J. F. Brittain, Church Clk.

August the 3rd, 1884: The church met and after worship the church proceeded to business. Report of the committee received and committy discharged, on motion and second the hand of fellowship withdraw from Lunsford and Abner Layton. On Motion and second that we adjourn until the 5th of Aug. Marion Hopper, Mod. Prot. J. F. Brittain Ch. Clerk.


Sept. 1884. Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in Sept. 1884, church met and after worship proceeded to business. Bro. T. B. Lankford resigned moderator’s office. On motion and second the church proceeded to elect Bro. J. F. Brittain Mod. on motion and second the church proceeded to elect a church clerk. Nominees f o r church clerk Bro. James Bruner and Wm. S. Smith, on motion and second that we elect by ballot. William S. Smith elected Ch. Clerk on motion and second. Nominations for Deacons in order. Bro. James Bruner, Bro. Marion Hopper, Bro. T. B. Lankford for Robert Cober on motion and see the election of Deacons layed over until Sunday. On motion and second, nomination for Pastor in order. Bro. Milton T. Brittain, Bro. J. F. Brittain, Bro. Creel Hopper on motion and second the election of pastor layed over until Sunday. On motion and sec. Bro. Reason excluded for going into a dissimulation known as the White River organization. On motion and second that we adjourn until Sunday 11 o’clock. J. F. Brittain, Moderator, Wm. S. Smith, Church Clerk.

Sept. 1884. Sunday church met and after worship proceeded to business, on motion and second that we elect Deacons by ballot. Bro. Brunner, Bro. Hopper elected Deacons on motion and second that we sollicit the Deacons at Omaha to assist in the ordination of our Deacons. On motion and second the church proceeded to elect a pastor by ballot. Bro. Milton. T. Brittain pastor - Bro. Creel Hopper, Assistant Pastor - Bro. T. B. Lankford calls for a letter. On motion and second the church grants Bro. Lankford a letter. Bro. J. F. Britton tenders his resignation as Moderator. And call for a letter for himself and wife Mary Britton stating that they was going to the Omaha (Omahaw) Church. On motion and sec. the church grants Bro. J. F. Britton and sister Mary Britton a letter (or letters) of dismission from us at this request. On motion and second that we adjourn until Sat. before the second Sunday in Oct. 1884. J. F. Britton, Moderator, Wm. S. Smith Ch. Clerk.

Oct. 1884. Saturday before the second Sunday in October 1884. church met and after worship proceeded t o business. Peace of church called for. Church in peace. The minutes of the Aug. and Sept. meetings rec’d on motion and sec. that we change Saturday meeting from eleven o’clock in the morning to two o’clock in the afternoon. Motion Carried. On motion and second that vie adjourn until Sunday eleven. M. T. Brittain, Pastor. C. Hopper, Assistant, Wm. S. Smith, Ch. Clerk. Sunday - Church met and after services proceeded to business, on motion and second the ordination of Deacons layed over until our next regular meeting. The door of the church was then opened for the reception of members. On motion and second that we adjourn until Saturday before the second Sunday in November 1884, M. F. Brittain, Pastor, C. Hopper, Assist. Wm. S. Smith Ch. Clerk.

November 1884. Saturday before the second Sunday in Nov. 1884. Church met and after services, church called to order and proceeded to business. Minutes of the Oct. meeting called read and received. Peace of the church called for. Church not in peace. Report Bro. Nathaniel Pruitt and others had gone off into the dissimulation known as the White River organization. On motion and second that we appoint a committy of three to wait upon these parties. Motion carried. Names of the committy; Bro. James Bruner, Bro. Creel Hopper, and Wm. S. Smith. N. F. Brittain, Pastor, C. Hopper, Assistant, Wm. S. Smith, Ch. Clerk.

Sunday 11 - Church met and after services reference taken up concerning the election and ordination of deacons. On motion and sec. that we lay it over on the account that there is some brother (or brethren) "that" is absent on the account of ill health. The door of the church was then opened for the reception of members. Sister Walker presented herself for membership as a candidate for baptism and received. The ordinance of baptism to be attended to on Monday at 10 o’clock at the Walker ‘Ford’ -the hand of Christian fellowship was then extended to Sister Walker. On motion and sec. that we adjourn until Sunday night. M. T. Brittain, Pastor, C. Hopper, Assistant Pastor and Wm. S. Smith, Ch. Clerk. Sunday night church met in a worshipping cappassity (capacity).

Nov. 1884, Monday. The church met to attend to the ordinance of baptism of Sister Ann Walker. J. F. Brittain, Administrator, C. Hopper, Assistant, M. T. Brittain, Pastor, Wm. S. Smith, Ch. Clerk. On the motion and second the committee was continued on motion and second agreed that we withdraw ourselves from Sister Molly Murly and Bro. James Pruitt, Adra Pruitt and Wesly Woodard for want of fellowship. On motion and second Bro. John Laws was appointed Clerk Protem. Peace of the church called for. All in peace and on motion and second agreed that we appoint three trustees whose duty it shod be to superintend the repairing and letting out for school purposes our church house. On motion and second Bro. John Laws, Wm. H. Gilstrap and E. Jackson was appointed as said trustees. On motion and second adjourned.

Sunday 11 o’clock the church met for worship and after services repaired to water and Bro. Joseph W. Laws was baptized by Eld. Creel Hopper


and the hand of fellowship was extended to Bro. J. W. Laws and Reason Woodard. Creel Hopper, Moderator, John Laws, Clerk Protem. An invitation was given for persons to unite with the church and Bro. Reason Woodard was rec’d by restoration then the church.

Sat. before 2nd Sunday in June 1885. The church met according to previous arrangement and after worship proceeded to business by appointing Pro. John Laws Clerk Protem. 1st peace of the church called for and all that was present was found in peace. 2nd an invitation was given for persons to unite with the church and Bros. Wm. H. Gilstrap and E. Jackson was rec’d by restoration. 3rd letters of dismission for Bro. Milford Hopper and wife was called for and the matter was referred to our next regular meeting. 4th on motion and second adjourned to meet Sunday at 11 o’clock.

Sunday 11 o’clock the church met and after services proceeded to business. 1st invitation for persons to unite with the church and Bro. Joseph W. Laws was rec’d as a candidate for baptism. 2 whereas it is known that there is several members of our body who has at different time express themselves as being desirous of being released, or dropped, or as some express themselves o f having their names erased from our church book. Therefore on motion and second agreed that we have a committee of 4 Bros. and 2 sisters whose duty it should be to see and try in the spirit of meakness to restore or reclaim such members and the committee shall take the reports of all such members that they can and report at our next regular meeting. Volunteers was called for to act as committee and Bro. Wm. W. Gilstrap, E. Jackson, F. M. Brittain and Jasper Hopper and Sister Ann Walker and S. E. Brittain volunteered- and was recognized by the church. On motion and second, adjourned to meet on Saturday before 2nd Sunday in July. Creel Hopper, Mod. John Laws Clk. Pt.

Sat before 2nd Sunday in July. 1885. To business the church met and after worship proceeded the minutes of the previous meeting read and received. The request of Bro. Milford Hopper and wife for letters was taken up and was granted letters of dismission from us.

3rd. the committee in investigation was called on for their report so they stated that they had laboured with several members of the church and among them Sister Molly Murly and Bros. James Pruitt, Andrea Pruitt and Wesley Woodard had expressed themselves as having no fellowship for us and wanted out.


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