Volume 3, Number 7 - Spring 1969

Reeds Spring
From the Stone County Booklet (1927)
(continued from Winter Quarterly 1968-1969)

Lying in a nook among the beautiful hills and around a mammoth spring of clear, cold water, where only a few years ago the cattle were want to loiter, lies one of the best trading points in Stone County.

On the Missouri Pacific Railway and with two good highways, 43 and 65, make it easy to go and come from anywhere. Fifty various business enterprises cater to the wants of the people with large assorted stocks of various merchandise and with a good market for your products, it is no wonder our streets resemble the old time circus day on Saturdays. Then there are our Bank, High School, the Church, Hospital, Lodges, Theatre. A Strawberry Association and Chamber of Commerce. The greatest tomato country in the world and with 22 canning factories in a radius of twelve miles. Four cream stations care for the dairying and poultry interests.

Business firms include: Shepherd of the Hills Bank: Capital and surplus $21,000. Dr. L. S. Shumate, President; R. H. Sharp, vice- president; C. D. Jenkins, cashier; Lola V. Jennings, assistant cashier; T. J. Harper, lawyer; R. N. Parsons, General Merchandise. Andoe and Kerr, Barber Shop. J. W. Young, Broom Factory. F. J. White, Eaton Produce Co. J. B. Curd, General Merchandise. J. R. Claybough, Feed Barn. W. F. Cummins, Notions and Shoe Shop. Elmer Scobee, Groceries. Lela Davis, Boarding House. A. Thogmartin, Dry Goods, Shoes and Hats. R. H. Jackson, Mgr. Regan Lumber Co. G. W. Horn Motor Co., Chevrolet Sales and Service. Tilden and Swindle, Blacksmith. M. R. Andoe, Restaurant, Confectionery and Groceries.

Dr. L. S. Shumate, Physician, Surgeon and Hospital. Smith and Son, Barber Shop. J. W. Carr, Prop. Shepherd of the Hills Inn. J. R. Hagerty, Supt. Nelson Canning Factory. F. I.
Mease, Tomato Canning Factory. A. W. Mease, Tomato Canning Factory. E. A. Drumm, Tomato Canning Factory. J. B. Curd, Tomato Canning Factory. Robert Emerson, Tomato Canning Factory. J. W. Wasson, Reeds Spring Drug Co. W. W. Hardaway and Son, Creamery Co. W. W. Hardaway and Son, General Merchandise. W. M. Sullivan and Co.
Real Estate.

F. and C. Oswalt, Cold Drinks and Confectionery. G. E. Hardaway, Reeds Spring Mercantile Co. Mrs. R. M. Logan and Bros., Everything to Wear. P. B. Harper, Prop. Cash Grocer. J. A. Fly, General Merchandise. Davis Motor Company. Wm. Wilkerson, Reeds Spring Garage. Newman and Phillips, Filling and Service Station. Mrs. J. N. Holt, Groceries. Ralph Arnold, Farmers Produce Co. J. E. Graves, Groceries and Meat Market. A. T. Henslee. Prop. Henslee Cafe. Mrs. Ruth McCormick, Postmistress. Guy Wampler, Station Agent. Gracey Bros. Feed and Seed Store. C. H. Kerr, Prop. Kerr Shoe Store. D. A. Fans, Prop. Fans Studio. E. H. Douglas, Flour, Feed, and Produce.


by A. L. McQuary

Hurley is said to be the most mutual, cooperative and moral town in Stone County. It is a small town on the Missouri Pacific Railroad, between Crane and Springfield and surrounded with very fertile productive land, and it claims, in proportion to size, the largest trade of any town in the county. A stream of clear spring water runs through the center of the town sufficient to grind out the best flour, meal and feed; and the pretty homes and streets are all clean and the inhabitants healthy. Of course such a town and com munity has a good school and religious services and the business firms listed below carry a complete stock of merchandise, machinery, lumber, feed, etc., to supply the surrounding country.

Bank of Hurley: E. R. Scott, president;


C. E. Kemp, vice-president; J. A. Estes, cashier; Capital $10,000, surplus, $2,000. Baker and Likins, General Merchandise. Logan and Company, General Merchandise. C. E. Cloud, Groceries, Cafe and Rooms. Mrs. Matilda Otto, General Merchandise. Mrs. Ursula Thompson, Postmistress. J. L. McHolland, Barber and Shoe Shop. Fred Young, Produce Dealer and Shipper. L. S. Hay, Blacksmith and Rubber Tire Works. Baker and Likins, Hardware and Implements. Parsons Motor Co., Ford Sales and Service. Dr. L. C. Snell, Physician and Surgeon.

O. S. McHolland, Station Agent. Farmers Exchange, Flour Feed and Produce; T. G. Langley, manger. R. A. Hurst, New and Second Hand Shoes and Repair Shop. T. S. Snodgrass, Hurley Cafe. J. P. Neil, Barber Shop. B. C. Clines, General Merchandise. Spring Creek Mill, Flour, Meal and Feed, J. H. Whinrey, Prop. E. R. Scott Lumber Company, Lumber and Building Material.


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