Volume 34, Number 1 - Summer 1994

by Lois Holman

For those of you who missed the regular meeting on March 12, I would like to give you a recap of the part that will be very important to the future of the ‘White River Valley Historical Society. We must not let the new destroy the past.

Two weeks prior to the March meeting, an executive board meeting was held at the home of vice president Robert Gilmore in Reeds Spring. At this meeting, Dr. Gilmore presented us with a forecast that included our present status and proceeded into what we need to do for future development and growth ofthe organization.

The following ideas were presented and discussed by those attending: Our current standing shows the need for expanding membership and involving members to succeed some of us who have been so heavily involved for years. We need younger members to attend the meetings to become better acquainted with the accomplishments and also realize the needs for future years.

Another great need is a home (building?) for the Society, where members could drop by to see what is happening; this "home" could be a high profile, visible landmark that could draw activity, events, and maybe, collections of historical materials. A staffed home? A museum and archives? A dream?

A third need is greater press coverage and publicity by different media. This is where we all come in. There are things going on historically, so let’s try to let them be known.

Summer is half gone! Can’t believe it. See you in September.

Yours sincerely,
Lois Holman, president


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