Volume 37, Number 3 Winter 1998

by Jerry W. Gideon

For the last three months I have been unable to attend several functions that normally I would never miss. However when you suddenly find yourself confronted with a serious health problem, then there is only one thing to do, and that is what I did, meet it head on and do what has to be done as quick as possible. I know that I’m not the only one who has met with this type of a problem but it does give me an excuse to tell you why I wasn’t at the last regular meeting December 1997.

It all started Sept. 5, 1997, when I went in for my annual physical check-up and the doctor questioned a chest X-ray, then had others made to confirm his suspicion of a trouble spot. For the next several weeks, CAT scan, more x-rays, testing of every kind and nature and the verdict was the same, it must be removed, so on the 31st of October 1997 surgery was performed to remove the lower half of the left lung. I was released from the hospital on the 7th of November with words of caution and no further treatment necessary. Recuperation has been slow, but I’m back on my feet and running about half speed, and now 1 know how very lucky I am.

Many thanks to our Vice President Viola Hartman and our excellent Secretary Pauline Barton who took charge and held the meeting in December. Their help and support during this difficult time is an example of the outstanding service to this origination that both are well known for. Thanks again.

At our monthly board meeting held January 13, 1998, seven of the board members had lunch together and discussed several items of business. The nominating committee chairman was appointed for the upcoming election of officers for the 1998-1999 term. The committee will offer a slate of names or nominees at the March meeting for each office to be filled, then at the Annual June meeting those elected will take the elected positions.

Spring is coming soon and hopefully we will be up and running. The next phase of the old Jail building project should prove to be very exciting when we will be able to repair the stucco on the outside of the building and improve the looks of the entire project. Good luck to all and see you in March.

Jerry W. Gideon, president

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