Volume 4, Number 4 - Summer 1971
The annual meeting of the White River Valley Historical Society was held in the dining room of The Thompson Dining Hall, The School of the Ozarks, Point Lookout, Missouri, 65726, at 1:00 oclock p.m., July 11, 1971.
The group sat down to a delicious meal at 12:30 p.m. The blessing was given by Dr. M. Graham Clark.
The meeting was opend for business at 1:20 p.m. by the President of the Society, Dr. M. Graham Clark.
The minutes were approved as published.
There was no old business pending.
New Business: Dr. Clark asked for the report of the nominating committee. Mrs. Jewel Ross Mehus, chairman of the committee, presented the following slate of nominees for consideration:
President |
Mrs. Ruby M. Robins, Gainesville |
First V. President |
Mrs. Cinita Brown, Ava |
Second V. President |
Mrs. Harriet H. Massey, Ozark |
Secretary |
Col. Albert D. Cummings, Branson |
Treasurer |
Mrs. Dorothy Standlee, Hollister |
Historian |
Mr. Elmo Ingenthron, Kirbyville |
Board-Stone Co. |
Mrs. Ruth Asher, Galena |
Christian Co. |
Mrs. Lucille Adams Anderson, Ozark |
No nominations were offered from the floora motion to elect by acclamation was made and accepted by the President.
All nominees were elected by acclamation of those present.
The Treasurer was not present (in the hospital at Branson). Report was not given.
The President then introduced all guests and members of the Society.
The President then reviewed the activities of the Society to date, and felt strongly that the society was in good hands to continue the good work being done by the Society.
The President called upon Mr. William (Bill) Cameron, retired from many years in the milling industry, to give some light on the establishment of a grist mill on the campus grounds. This information was well received by all present.
The Secretary stated that the Society membership was, at the last mailing of the quarterly, 590 members.
The number present at this meeting was 61 individuals. A list of those present is attached.
The next meeting will be determined by Mrs. Ruby M. Robins, the new President, who was unable to be present at this meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
Albert D. Cummings
The annual meeting of the White River Valley Historical Society at The School of the Ozarks, Point Lookout, Missouri, 65726, at 1:00pm., July 11, 1971. A list of those individuals who signed the attendance roster
Mrs. John M. Aikman
Kirbyville, Mo. 65679
Lucile Adams Anderson
Ozark, Missouri 65721
Ruth AsherBox 158,
Galena, Mo. 65656
Mrs. Charles Boren
903 Cliff Drive
Branson, Mo. 65616
Logan D. Brown
RR 4, Ava, Mo. 65608
Mrs. Cinita D. Brown
W. D. Cameron Point
Lookout, Mo. 65726
Bertha Nan Carroll
Branson, Mo. 65616
Mrs. T. B. Chaffin
Ozark, Mo. 65721
Elizabeth Clark
Point Lookout, Mo. 65726
M. Graham Clark
Point Lookout, Mo. 65726
Albert D. Cummings
Branson, Mo. 65616
Mr. Fred DeArmond
2043 5. Scenic Air
Springfield, Mo. 65804
Mrs. Fred DeArmond
Mr. Roy Derr
Box 135, Branson, Mo. 65616
Mrs. Roy Derr
Mr. B. C. Eastman
S. R. 2, Branson, Mo. 65616
Mrs. Francis M. Eastman
Mary Anna Fain
Point Lookout, Mo. 65726
Helen J. H. Fletcher
Branson, Mo. 65616
Pauline 0. E. Friese
1008 E. Graves
Springfield, Mo.
Mrs. W. Bertha Griffith
Forsyth, Mo. 65653
Sybil Hainer
Branson, Mo. 65616
Harold Hatzfeld
Box 49, Forsyth, Mo. 65653
Mrs. C. E. Hicks
RR 2, Ava, Mo. 65608
Pearl Hodges
Forsyth, Mo. 65653
Mr. Russ How
723 Eunice Ave.
Webster Groves, Mo.
Mrs. Bernadine How
Mr. Elmo Ingenthron
Kirbyville, Mo. 65679
Mrs. Betty Ingenthron
James B. Inmon
Springfield, Mo. 65806
Mrs. Lena Johnson
Ozark, Mo. 65721
Mr. Gordon McCain
Springfield, Mo.
Mrs. Mona McCain
Ruth G. McCollum
Branson, Mo. 65616
Mr. Douglas Mahnkey
Forsyth, Mo. 65653
Mrs. Douglas Mahnkey
Mr. Blunt Martin
5516 S. 67th E. Ave.
Tulsa, OkIa. 74135
Mrs. Blunt Martin
Harriet Howard Massey
Ozark, Mo. 65721
Jewell Ross Mehus
Flag Route, Branson, Mo. 65616
Emory Melton
201 W. 9th St.
Cassville, Mo. 65625
Edith L. Middleton
Springfield, Mo. 65806
Mr. Emmett Norman
Box 217, Ava, Mo. 65608
Mrs. Emmett Norman
Agnes Persinger
Cedar Creek, Mo. 65627
B. T. Persinger
Cedar Creek, Mo. 65627
Mrs. Alfred Powell
Powell Drive
Branson, Mo. 65616
Mr. Willard Pueppke
RR 3, Ava, Mo. 65608
Mrs. Willard Pueppke
Roxie F. Rodwell
Branson, Mo. 65616
Mrs. Lucy Rollston
RR 3, Box 54
Branson, Mo. 65616
Mrs. Janice Stice
Ozark, Missouri 65721
Mrs. R. M. (Donna) Thompson
446 5. Grant, Springfield, Mo.
Lucile M. Upton
1305 Kimbrough
Springfield, Mo.
Mr. Merrill D. Vincent
RR 4, Hiway 86
Forsyth, Mo. 65653
Mrs. Elizabeth Vincent
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