Volume 4, Number 6 - Winter 1971

Robertson - Robinson

Robertson - Robinson

In 1971 the cabin of James Robertson, founder of Nashville, Tenn., was the spot chosen for the first annual reunion of the Robertsons—Robinsons. The Middle Tennessee Historical Society restored the cabin and organized the meeting. Tex Ritter, a member, was the speaker.

Those present decided to make the affair an annual one to be held on the week of July4. They found that members of the Robertson—Robinson clan include Jefferson Davis, Johnny Cash, and Cliff Robertson, and Mrs. Robert Devore and her mother, Mrs. Derr, daughter of J. F. Robertson, whose pictures ran in a late issue of the Quarterly.

Both Mrs. Derr and Mrs. Devore belong to the WRVHS and read every line of the Quarterly. Mrs. De Vore (Robert E.), 1037 Delwood Rd., Mansfield, Ohio, promised to send to us the name of the chairman in charge of this year’s reunion. Should she forget it, come near July 4th, just write to Mrs. DeVore. Both she and Mrs. Derr attended the reunion last year.


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