Volume 6, Number 4 - Summer 1977

Minutes of the June 12, 1977 Annual Meeting of the White River Valley Historical Society

On June 12, 1977, the Annual Meeting of the W.R.V.H.S. was called to order at 1:25 p.m. following a buffet dinner in the Good Memorial College Center Cafeteria. In the absence of the president and vice presidents, the secretary presided until Betty Edgington was elected by general consent the presiding chairman pro tem.

Greetings & Introductions
Members were welcomed and one new member, Dortha Brentlinger of Fordland, was introduced by her son, member Edwin Brentlinger.

Minutes of the March 13 meeting were read and approved.

Correspondence was a flyer from the Friends of Historic Booneville telling of their "Missouri River Festival of the Arts" to be held August 19 -28, 1977.

Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer reported a bank balance of $407.43 (with the Volume 6 - Number 3 Quarterly yet to be paid).

Editor’s Report
Editor Cinita Brown told of the vital need of quarterly material and thanked those who have been contributing articles. A discussion by several members followed concerning the costs of the quarterly. It was determined that more members were needed to meet expenses. Marvin Tong offered to put membership application blanks and quarterlies in the Ralph Foster Museum Lobby. Dr. Alice Nightingale spoke on the importance of getting name and address changes to the secretary to save postal expenses.

Annual Reports
Annual reports were given by the Secretary - Treasurer.

The following officers and directors were elected: Douglas Mahnkey, president; Gordon McCann, vice-president; Helen Fletcher, second vice-president; Elmo Ingenthron, historian; Ruth Bloomer, Stone County director; and Harriett Massey, Christian County director. Others, who are presently serving are: Ionamae Rebenstorf, secretary-treasurer; and directors Cinita Brown, Douglas County; Coy Logan, Carroll County, AR.; Mrs. L. D. Burnes, Marion County, AR.; John Harlin, Ozark County; Allen Pleake, Taney County.

It was announced that the next meeting will be held on September 11.

The group then moved to Cummings Auditorium for a slide-lecture program presented by Mr. Ingenthron. He showed slides taken from the pictures in his book "The Land of Taney" and explained their significance. By vote of the society this program will be completed at the September meeting.

Adjournment 3:30 p.m.

Ionamae Rebenstorf
Secretary - Treasurer


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