Greene County Records
A Chronological Listing and Index to
Divorce Records 1911 - 1920
in the Greene County Circuit Court
Greene County Archives' Bulletin Number 7 May 1989
- Abbott, Austin - Arlington, Leslie
- Armstrong, Birdie - Batson, Lizzie
- Batterson, Caswell - Blank, Alice
- Blansett,Allie - Breyman, Grace
- Briant, Lena - Burgin, William
- Burke, Francis - Chalmers, Robert
- Chamberlin, Genevieve - Collins, Thomas
- Colwell, Lawrence - Cross, Chas.
- Crossman, Luther - Dawson, John
- Day, Ethel - Doling, Raphael
- Dominic, Charles - Eden, Susie
- Edgington, Bettie - Farris, William
- Fay, Ada - Fry, M.E.V.
- Fuhr, Vena - Gillman, Alice
- Gilmore, A.G. - Gregg, Madge
- Gregory, Barney - Hand, Effie
- Hanks, Bessie - Hearst, John
- Hedgepeth, Julinda - Holley, Ophra
- Hollingshad, Cora - Hutton, Rosa
- Hyde, James - Jones, John
- Jones, Leaffee - Kirby, Steven
- Kirk, J.W. - Leigh, Tonie
- Lemons, Effie - Lutz, Annie
- Mabe, Aurie - Merryman, Mary
- Mertell, Ildia - Motley, Ellen
- Mounce, Francis - McElwee, S.G.
- McEuen, Jennie - Nellor, George
- Nelson, Erwin - Owens, V.A.
- Owings, Charles - Philley, Wm.
- Phillips, Bessie - Rains, Golda
- Ramey, Anna - Riley, Sarah
- Ringenberg, Orah - Sales, George
- Salsman, Jack - Sharrett, Lucy
- Shawcross, Charles - Smith, Emma
- Smith, Ethel - Staton, Nora
- Stebbins, Claude - Tanzey, Lucy
- Taranto, Joe - Tilson, Prudence
- Tindal, Lula - Tynor, Phannie
- Ullman, Clara - Westfall, Clarence
- Wheeler, Charles - Wise, Minnie
- Wiseman, Lucile - Zittle, Melvin
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