Jonathan Fairbanks and Clyde Edwin Tuck

Past and Present of Greene County, Missouri • ca. 1914

Early and Recent History and Genealogical Records
of Many of the Representative Citizens

MAX SCHARFF. Among the enterprising citizens of Springfield who originally came from the German Empire is Max Scharff, the major portion of whose active career as a man of affairs has been spent in America, having for a number of years been a resident on a plantation of the far South before casting his lot with the people of the Queen City of the Ozarks.

Mr. Scharff was born in Esslingen, Rhinepfalz, Bavaria, September 9, 1854. There he grew to be seventeen years of age, and received his education, emigrating to the United States shortly after the close of the Franco-Prussian war, in 1871. He was then seventeen years of age. He landed in Vicksburg, Mississippi, subsequently locating in Louisiana on a sugar plantation, where he resided until 1891, in which year he came to Springfield, Missouri, and engaged in business on South street for one year, then moved to the northwest corner of Campbell and Walnut streets after the new building was completed here, in 1892 and this has been his location ever since. His industry and good management has resulted in success. He owns a modern and attractive home in this city.

Mr. Scharff was married September 6, 1882, to Rosa Scharff, of Natchez, Mississippi. She was a daughter of Daniel and, Carolina (Wertheimer) Scharff. Her father is a native of Germany. To our subject and wife four children have been born, two sons and two daughters, namely: Daniel is engaged in business with his father; Clarence is a traveling salesman with headquarters at Vicksburg, Mississippi; Clara is the wife of M. A. Ullman., a member of the firm of the Ullman-Netter Dry Goods Company of Springfield; Fay is the wife of Marx Netter, a member of the firm of the Ullman-Netter Dry Goods Company.

The mother of the above named children died in Louisiana in October, 1889, and Mr. Scharff was married in Cincinnati, Ohio, on September 1, 1895, to Carrie Hart, of that city. She is a daughter of Meyer Hart, a native of Villmar, Nassau, Germany, on the river Lahn. There he grew to manhood and was educated. He came to America in 1896, and his death ,occurred in Springfield, Missouri, in 1907.

Mr. Scharff is a member of the Masonic blue lodge, Acacia, No. 116, at Plaquemine, Louisiana. He also belongs to the Royal Arcanum and to the Knights of Pythias, also Florence lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Politically, he is a Democrat; however, he is somewhat of an independent voter and does a great deal of "scratching" on his ballot, his aim always being to support the best man for the place sought, and his method is one to be commended to the voters of all parties. He is a member of the Temple Israel of Springfield, being vice-president of the same, and has been influential in the work here for years. He has led a quiet, law-abiding life, never having served on a jury, and has never been sued or had to stand a law suit.


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