Jonathan Fairbanks and Clyde Edwin Tuck

Past and Present of Greene County, Missouri • ca. 1914

Early and Recent History and Genealogical Records
of Many of the Representative Citizens

ALBERT WOOD. From the farms of Greene county the city of Springfield has drawn its best citizenship during the past half century. The farmer boy, tiring of what he considers drudgery, is often glad of an opportunity to leave the plow and take a position in the city, no matter if the work is really harder than his former work. Often he is wise in making the change; again, it is questionable if he betters his condition. The railroad shops here have absorbed the larger number of these young men from the rural districts. Employing such large numbers of men and paying good wages, the prospective employee has usually found a place waiting for him in some one of the many departments of the Frisco's local plants, and if he has been energetic, wide-awake and trustworthy, he has found his services appreciated and has been advanced accordingly. Albert Wood is one of the boys who left the farm and went to work in the shops, and, while yet a young man, he has risen to the position of foreman of the steel car repairing department in the North Side Frisco shops.

Mr. Wood was born in Franklin township, Greene county, on February 22, 1886. He is a son of Alec J. and Sarah (Johnson) Wood, the mother, a daughter of Zadock Wood, is now fifty-two years old. The father was born and reared in this county, four miles from his present farm in Franklin township, where he owns fifty acres, and has always engaged in general farming. He is fifty-four years old. Politically, he is a Republican, and for ten years was road overseer in his community, and has done more for the good roads movement there than any other one man. He is a member of the New Salem church.

To Alec J. Wood and wife four children have been born, namely: Roxie is the wife of Julius Webber, a farmer of Franklin township; Albert, of this sketch; Clarence is employed in the North Side Frisco shops; Madge lives at home.

James Wood, paternal grandfather of our subject, was a native of England, having been born in the world's greatest city--London. He emigrated to America when a young man, locating first in New Orleans, Louisiana, where he lived for some time, finally coming to Missouri in an early day. He entered a homestead in Franklin township, Greene county, and here established the future home of the family, and developed a farm from the wilds. He served in the Federal army during the Civil war in the Home Guards.

Albert Wood grew to manhood on the homestead and there worked when he was a boy. He received his education in the district schools, and remained with his parents until 1907, when he came to Springfield and secured employment in the freight yards of the North Side Frisco shops as laborer. Three months later he went to work at steel car repairing, and remained at this until 1912, when he was appointed foreman of the steel car repairing department there, and has held this responsible position ever since, giving splendid satisfaction. He has forty-two hands under his direction.

Mr. Wood was married in December, 1910, to Effie Bleckledge, a daughter of Frank Bleckledge and wife. To this union two children have been born, namely: Thelma and Alice.

Politically Mr. Wood is a Republican. He belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and to the Methodist Episcopal church.


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