Vol. II, No. 4, Spring 1989

OzarksWatch is published at Southwest Missouri State University by the Center for Ozarks Studies m conjunction with the Office of Publications. OzarksWatch has been funded in part by the Historic Preservation Program, Missouri Department of Natural Resources; and the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. Grant awards do not imply an endorsement of contents by the Grantor. OzarksWatch is available to anyone interested in Ozarks life and times--past, present and future.

Editors and Publishers

Dr. Robert B. Flanders, Director, Center for Ozarks Studies

Dr. Robert K. Gilmore, Director, Travel and Tourism Program

Consulting Editor

Lynn Morrow

Forsyth Public Historian

Graduate Assistant

Russell Runge

Mailing Address


Box 134 Southwest Missouri State University

901 S. National

Springfield MO 65804

Phone 417/836-5530

Copyright -- OzarksWatch

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