Vol. III, No. 1, Summer 1989

From Our Readers

I cannot think of any publication in the State of Missouri that is doing a better job of publicizing our beautiful Ozarks than OzarksWatch.

The Village of Caledonia here in the northern Ozarks has a population of 162, and has 33 properties on the National Register of Historic Places, many of them being improved in the way of preservation. Caledonia will be celebrating its 200th year of settlement in 1998.

The Bellevue Valley Historical Society has sold our last history, "Bellevue, Beautiful View."The Society is a not-for-profit organization, but we came out on top with over $7,500, that we can spend towards a museum or something else.

Muriel Akers
Caledonia, Mo.

I am still a "Cloud Rider"! Please tell Julie Bloodworth (Ozarks Watch, Spring, 1989, p. 20).

Pat Behler
Jefferson City, Mo.

I visited with a lady at the Chamber of Commerce in Mountain Grove, and she told me about your publication and showed me some of your articles. She also told me about the tour of last month.

My father and I are extremely interested in Ozarks history. He reads anything on Ozarks history he can find. I would like to get a membership [in the OzarksWatch Society] for Dad and on the current mailing list.

I look forward to seeing him when he receives those great articles.

Jacque Hamilton
Springfield, Mo.

My brother and his wife just moved into a 117 year old house outside of Union, Mo. As a house-warming gift, I'm enclosing payment for their membership in the OzarksWatch Society.

I enjoy OzarksWatch immensely. Perhaps, in the future, I'll work up the courage to contribute an article.

Leonard L. Butts
Sullivan, Mo.

Note: The Dan Saults interview will be continued in the fall issue of OzarksWatch.


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